I don't know. This sounds contrary to my plan to create a monarchy, restore the gold standard, and burn all the witches. Don't get me started on child labor for the salt mines.

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What's that blue thing?

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I think the car could be made that the service ro community should start getting valued higher.

Me, the only people who have a case are education students. They teach ther future.

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Un, no. I worked on coinsurance claims and with a team dedicated to Centers for Medicar and Medicaid.

Their audits make the FDA and FEMA processes look simple.

Claims administration is closely supervised and it's still cheaper than trying to do it themselves because states regulate their insurance companies.

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New portmanteau!

TEASONS-- what you hear when a candidate is pretending to explain why he doesn't have an answer now, but he'll tell you when he's elected.

And why power doesn't come before planning.

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and the dumber among us peons are going to be pissed off when they finally figure that shit out.

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Right, the more rural you are the worse it gets. We are lucky here, healthcare is the biggest employer.

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I have met very very few people "satisfied" with their private insurance. Every year the premiums go up along with higher costs and deductibles. The uninsured are not just "indigents" nor uninsurable (what the fuck is uninsurable?) Your pie argument is absolute nonsense. Your "soviet style" argument is nonsense. More like we could do Norway style or Australia or Japan style. We can do a hybrid system. We can do lots of things. But we cannot stay the current course. It is untenable. I am an RN. Everyone else in my family are Harvard trained physicians. We see the harms of our current system every GD day and we all want universal healthcare. I am not prideful dude. I'm just truthful. Go back to Breitbart or Qanon.

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You left out the co-insurance due after the deductible is met until you meet the annual out-of-pocket max per family.

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They might when they don't have good health care plans to offer as incentives to take a job there.

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M4A is in the conversation now, whatever one may think of it. Obamacare has been the law for years, and many people still don't understand it. Move forward or stagnate.

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If we can put people in SPACE, cure tuberculosis, cure some cancers even, we can figure out how to do it. Not by next week, and you are probably not going to help, but it will be done.

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Those evil fuckers?

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No, no we don't. How many billions do these wealthy people have? We'll have them pay that much in taxes the first year. After that, they get a break, with the rest of the poor people.

The good news? Even if they lose all their money, they'll still have medical coverage!

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But your job is kept for you, your pain is managed, and you won't go bankrupt.

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I will never understand why Americans think it's so, so confusing and difficult. The rest of the developed world has single payer health care. It's in the name: Medicare for All. Enroll everyone in Medicare, pour all subsidies formerly going towards insurance companies into Medicare. Keep CHIP, etc, the same until everyone is enrolled in Medicare. Make DMVs Medicare centers as well. Boom.

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