We are trying. But it will take time. I hope I don't have to leave my congregation. I truly love my ringers.

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I used to work with a couple of old Marine DI's and they taught me lots of stuff.

When the 19-year old pile of pimples said to me, "You may call me Elder", I let one loose.

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I would think you would know how th congregation feels if you’ve been there. This is not a new issue.

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In support of the commenting rules, applicable to the comments (which are not allowed) on this here Mommy/Warblog, which prohibiting wishing prison rape on any person, no matter how small, I bring you this excellent decision from the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit:


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Indeed. But slightly more functional.

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You would like to think so, but then the guy I've been singing next to for the last four years, who I thought was a friend and ally like me, cracks a joke about how they used to go harassing folks in the Montrose back in the good old days. It's disgusting. Then there are people you thought were Fox News types who are just as sweet and loving as can be. Even in my small ensemble, I'm sure to lose people no matter which way this thing ends up. :(

You say it's not a new issue, and that is true. Nevertheless, I was blindsided by it two years ago, even though it's been roiling since 2004 at least. I think absent other evidence, it is human nature just to assume everybody feels the same way you do, since the "right" answer is so clear. I have difficulty comprehending why anybody wouldn't be progressive. So it came as a shock when a preacher who I just sort of assumed was in the closet turned out to be the most hateful bigot of them all.

Sorry, this is probably way more than you wanted to read. And it may sound like prevarication. It is a big deal to me, so I am doing my best to make sure the outcome is the right one.

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In my religion we get a free Universe, so I am good.

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Sure worked on Elizabeth Smart's poorly-named daddy.

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No, thanks for the explanation. I agree that people can surprise you, and not in a good way. I have an aunt who I thought was a good person, went to church every Sunday, but she's as hateful a rwnj as you could ever find.

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That is so gross.

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A dear friend of mine suffered through one of these pray-away-the-gay programs. It scarred him deeply for life, and he ended up getting into some dangerous relationships because of it. To this day it causes him grief when he thinks about it.

The fact that so-called "Christians" are often at the center of these abominable techniques, is infuriating and sad. Who are we to tell someone they cannot know God's love because they love the "wrong" person? That is a shameful practice.

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I've never seen any statistics, you know, the batting average on actually converting someone with this particular therapy. There's a good reason for that no doubt, kinda like the Trumplies not wanting witnesses or documents. The facts tend to unmuddy the waters, lets say.I guess batting zero means that they have no where to go but up.

If a person is gay, meaning that they were born that way and that is just how they are and have remained, then what are they being converted to exactly? In Utah, I guess they were being switched into being Mormon Missionaries on a straight mission from Gawd? In somewheres like Pennsylvania, they are trying to switch them into being Iron Men types with metal heads and balls of steel, its like that.

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It's all about "What will the neighbors think?" plus "When will we see some grandchildren?"

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Hang on, hang on here. Ice-pick lobotomies?

Ice. Pick. Lobotomies.


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They go in through the eye socket, insert the surgical thingie and kind of jiggle it around. There's a book written by a guy who had such a procedure. It is titled My Lobotomy, fittingly, by Howard Dully, along with a co-author. His step mother insisted on the procedure when he was a kid because he was unruly. I mean, not that he was setting fire to things and was rapey or tortured stuff, but because he basically resented his step mother, AS KIDS WILL.

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