Apr 19·edited Apr 19Pinned

Hello, my loving and caring ducklings! It is I, your friendly, neighbourhood Crip Dyke, who has no official power here whatsoever.

I do, however, have some unofficial power by virtue of the permissions needed to allow me to post my stories, so I'm gonna use that here to warn you all but do not take it as a threat, b/c I am not the one to be scared of around here. (That is most likely Donna Rose. She holds all the power.)

ANYWAY Someone in NYC ??possibly a Trump supporter?? has killed himself in an awful and attention-getting way.

The warning I'm gonna make on this topic is two-fold:

ONE: if you're posting a link to this event, specify that. Don't just post the link without context or info so that people can choose whether they want to click.

TWO: Don't you go joking about this, please. I mean, really. Have some love for your fellow Wonketteers. There are many reasons someone here wouldn't want to hear a joke about suicide and we all should be better than that.

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When I first heard about it, I saw it in a headline from the NY Post. Clicking on the link jumps straight into a self-starting video of the event. And then when you scroll down, the video jumps out to the little "lower right" sidebar and keeps playing.

Fucking Ghouls!!

No one needs to see that.

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Apr 19Liked by Crip Dyke

It doesn't matter who he was or why he did it, it is a horrible thing for a human being to experience, and doesn't merit any kind of humor right now.

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Apr 19Liked by Crip Dyke

The first I heard about it was when my Trump-supporter friend sent me a text joking about it.

He’s always been a bit of an asshole at the best of times, but he jumped on the Trump train and is very happy to ride it off the cliff

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Apr 19Liked by Crip Dyke

death by fire is a horrible way to go.

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What drove this man to do this horrible thing is probably going to remain a mystery, but apparently he was deeply disturbed.

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It's just horrifying and sad. I cannot imagine joking about something like that.

Trump apparently crop dusting the courtroom, though - THAT'S comedy gold!

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so, he did die? a second ago reporting was that he didn't but either way, they also reported that he had a bunch of conspiracy-laden flyers with him.

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I first heard that he did. That was mistaken, but was what I thought I knew at the time I wrote the above.

On the other hand, it's very, very rare to survive something like this. So even if he hasn't died, it's likely that time will come soon.

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without a doubt. and often when people do that it's out of complete desperation over one thing or another. I have my doubts that this was a spur-of-the-moment act but it's certain that the background story will be bad and tragic.

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Apr 19Liked by Crip Dyke

I saw that news. Not a thing I would ever joke about.

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Apr 19Liked by Crip Dyke

Does not seem to be a Trump supporter, more of a non-partisan conspiracy theorist. There's a manifesto on Substack. Won't link, might be against the rules, but it's easy enough to find through Google.

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Apr 19Liked by Crip Dyke

Thanks CD. I appreciate the heads up.

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If anything, use it as a jumping-off point to remind any glibertarian relatives you may have that YES, there IS such a thing as "society". There has to be, because it's the ONLY way to connect someone with help when they're heading in a direction like this. It's hard enough to "personal responsibility" one's way out of a physical health crisis, and nearly impossible when your operating software itself is malfunctioning.

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Thank you, CD.

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I’d hope there’s no one who finds humor in this.

A mental health crisis is a human crisis, regardless of how terrible his politics were. Thoughts and prayers, the actual thing not the empty sentiment, to the family and friends that loved him

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Same can be said for mass shooters. I get so fucking angry about this.

I have empathy for those who have no access to good health and mental care. Those who have every available option to them and refuse I'm hardening towards. Those who have bad parenting factor into this.

I know firsthand you CANNOT MAKE someone seek help. Denial and fear are what mental health and addiction issues are made of.

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You raise very good points. I would love to see better access to mental health services everywhere. One of the barriers to seeking help is the Orwellian labyrinth of rules, regulations and insurance BS that would frustrate someone in perfect mental health. For the troubled? SMDH

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It's a genuinely hideous way to die, no matter the reason.

And when people are setting fire to themselves in homage to Dear Leader we are in a very, very bad place as a country.

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I’m inclined to think the person chose the spot only because the media has been following the trial. I just read this morning about a planned school shooting where the would-be perpetrator had a manifesto that was more than 100 pages long. Both people seemed to want attention that they felt had been denied them.

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That describes most of T***p’s followers.

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Only in their minds. Many have the same opportunities we all have and they refused them yet want to blame all others for their lot in life.

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True, but this guy latched onto crypto instead of MAGA.

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Apr 19Liked by Crip Dyke

Yeah, even my very weak internal filter stopped the snark.

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Ok, so why is banning child marriage even controversial in the eyes of CINOs? (Christian in Name Onlies?) Am I missing something?

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Property rights

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Gaetz doesn't want to MARRY teenagers, he just wants to f### them. And we fought WAY to hard back in the day to stop being called "children" or "girls" at 16 or 17 for me to revert to infantilizing young women now. I am ALL for protecting said YOUNG WOMEN from being sexually exploited by older guys. I am all for YOUNG WOMEN being able to-at least!- graduate High School before getting married- even with "parental consent". We don't have to call them "children" to want that. (By the way, a pedophile is someone who is attracted to pre-pubescent kids-generally considered under 13.)

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*Please* do not use that hair-splitting argument about pedophilia vs. hebephilia vs. ephebophilia. It's often trotted out by assholes looking to polish their reputations because "at least I'm not a pedophile."

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I'm neither "an asshole" nor someone who fancies children or young folks. Just old enough and educated enough to use correct words and to hope that others would do the same. Using incorrect words just confuses an issue and everyone has to wonder what the other person means.

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Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply *you* were one of those types. It’s just a sore spot for me because 90% of the time when you see a guy using that out in the wild, so to speak, it’s some middle-aged dude who’s dating high school girls trying to make himself sound less bad.

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Gaetz doesn't want to MARRY teenagers, he just wants to f### them. And we fought WAY to hard back in the day to stop being called "children" or "girls" at 16 or 17 for me to revert to infantilizing young women now. I am ALL for protecting said YOUNG WOMEN from being sexually exploited by older guys. I am all for YOUNG WOMEN being able to-at least!- graduate High School before getting married- even with "parental consent". We don't have to call them "children" to want that. (By the way, a pedophile is someone who is attracted to pre-pubescent kids-generally considered under 13.)

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Hey North Carolina, your up next. I never lived there but I did work with a woman whose best friend in High school was already divorced.

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“Cousin-fucking remains a 'don't ask, don't tell' situation.”

House of Windsor.

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If it's good enough for The Queen, it's good enough for me.

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Egad, all those European royal family telephone poles!

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Wait’ll the SCOTUS carves out a “religious exception”.

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Way to go Virginia!

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much to the regret of Matt Gaetz, probably

Probably not. Matt doesn't want to marry his high school sweethearts and is himself not mature enough to do so.

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much to the regret of Matt Gaetz, probably

Probably not. Matt doesn't want to marry his high school sweethearts and is himself not mature enough to do so.

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I tried to imagine myself getting queried to sit on trump's jury. How long could I lie and hold out in service to the deep state? Counter their every thrust with a parry of my own. Outwit them to rig the pool.

Lawyer: Are you a resident of New York City?

DW: MoFo broke all the laws!

Lawyer: Your honor ..

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Donald Trump, the Great Gassy.

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Judge Merchan asking Trumps' counsel if he needs a break.

Reply is, "uh no sir...he's just...breaking wind..."

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Do you need a break?

No your honour, just a gas mask.

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"which is on a worldwide quest to end child marriage by 2030, much to the chagrin of Matt Gaetz, probably."

"It makes no sense! Many of those prevented from marrying now will be fully able to marry then, so why bother delaying it?"

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Actually, I wouldn't think Gaetz would be opposed to child *marriage*. That would imply that he had anything in mind that was more long-term than just fuck 'em and move on to the next one.

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"Cousin-f*cking remains a 'don't ask, don't tell' situation."

We really believe we're basically all Targaryens at the end of the day, don't we ...?

/deeeeeeeeeeep sigh

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Just cracked a NA beer to celebrate little Donny shitpants’s public humiliation

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I shall have a gin and tonic with my dinner, methinks - or maybe not. Depends on how I feel at the moment (and what Hooper might have waiting for us in the Open Thread).

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