Yes, Help was a Beatles movie and album and the Police was an 80's rock band.

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Don't put out the red and blue lights, Roxanne.

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It does make it worse. Motives matter. If someone randomly kills you without looking at you, it's not as evil as randomly killing you because of the color of your skin. If someone kills you for a motive -- reasonable or not -- that at least follows some kind of logic ("you flirted with my wife"), at least there is some logic to it, even though it is wrong. Doing something just because of how someone is born *IS* assholier and wronger and follows less logic. A great swath of the world has realized/admitted this.

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No it doesn't. Murder is murder. end of discussion.

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No, it isn't. There's first degree murder, 2nd degree murder 3rd degree murder, voluntarily manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter. And then once convicted, your intent will be measured, and your intentions will be used against you -- even before hate crime laws exist.

Get your head out of the clouds and into the real world.

Responding "murder is murder" is not actually a defense of your point. It's just a mantra you repeat to keep from actually articulating why all murder is the same.

It isn't. Not legally. Not morally.

You can say why you think they are the same -- and I can simply refer back to the way the actual system actually works and has always worked, since inception.

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May be legally different but morally it's the same. You may think that the killing of a black person is more significant than the killing of a gay person or a woman or any color man, but it's not. They're still dead no matter what they used to be. For you to just up and decide that because they were a minority that makes it all the more tragic is absolute racist bullshit. So you go ahead and rationalize your racism, but one life is not worth more than another no matter what you may be able to convince yourself of. Your probably wait to see how attractive a woman is to decide what level of anguish you should feel over her death. You know, since you have a rating scale and all? Jesus, your pathetic.

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I never said "significant". Why would you introduce a new term into a conversation about something? Moving the goalposts?

You are using myopic logic, and it's clearly coming from a place of privilege and bias that you do not realize. Irrelevant to the argument, but you seem like a douchebag. Like someone who should show up to a cancer rally and say "all diseases kill people!", or someone who would show up to a MLK speech and say "all dreams matter!". Or maybe you show up at a cemetery where someone was violently killed, and say "they're still dead, so it doesn't matter how they died". I dunno. This is my bullshit paragraph. Let me get back to the logic:

By your logic, stealing bread from a poor person is the same as stealing bread from a rich person. After all, the bread is stolen "just the same". The person is deprived of their property "just the same".

What you deal with is false equivalencies. You want to pretend that everything is equal when it is not.

Intent matters. It matters in the eyes of the law. It matters in the eyes of morals -- a hungry man stealing bread is not morally same as Steve Jobs stealing bread.

It doesn't not matter "because grmpy said so repeatedly". You have to offer reasons as to why.

So far the only reason you have offered is, "The end result is the same, therefore the act is the same."

That's not true. See bread example. Your logical construct is defective. You must come up with a new logical construct that can be consistently applied.

Calling me a racist? That's funny. The false-equivalency race-baiters like yourself are basically the last dying breath of racist mainstream culture. Unable to face your issues directly because everyone would call you out on being a direct racist, people like yourself come in to say things like "all murdered dead bodies are the exact same act".

Is a cop shooting a criminal the same as a criminal shooting an innocent? The end result being the same doesn't magically make the whole thing the same. No matter how many times you repeat your pathetic false equivalency.

Racism denial: last bastion of racists who can no longer be directly racist on the internet.

I love how you topped it off with misspelling "you're". It's such a common english rule most people learned in 3rd grade. And with *alarming consistently*, only racists mis-use it. Really. Stupid people speak stupidly and use stupid logic. Count yourself among them, Bubba.

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Good god you are sad. Good luck to you

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Some aids for your future education:



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After 5k plus hits and up to 10 drops in each eye at a time, I can say, NO OVERDOSE LEVEL..

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It's much worse in the South and in some urban areas. It seems that in some areas they test men for ignorance and aggression and make them cops.

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I hate that you have all these super valid points, and then you completely ruin it by nit-picking grammar. Literacy privilege is a thing.. (also, typos happen to good people). Calling someone out for using the wrong homophone just makes you look petty, arrogant, and blinded by your own privilege. It weakens your argument and your integrity.

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And Gimpy what it means is that we all , that is everyone black, white, yellow red , brown -hell , green purple ,pink it doesn't matter skin color, ethnicity whatever - we all have to stand up and say ; ENOUGH . And it needs to be said to our so-called Leaders, those we put in office - the same ones we can take out of office before election time . All is needed is enough signatures ...

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I was a hippy, long hair and a beard. Worse yet, I drove a black Camaro Z28 hotrod. I got pulled over constantly- license plate checks, license plate date sticker checks, tread depth checks, window tint checks, noise checks, you name it- any excuse to pull me over and turn my car inside out while running my name and registration info, hoping to find something.

Lord help me if I was actually doing something wrong like 1-2 mph over the speed limit. Eventually I grew up, cut my hair, bought a Camry and now I can zoom by the cops at 15 mph over while they fixate on some younger version of me or any minority or a guy on a Harley, waiting for them to make the slightest mistake. And they justify it by pointing to arrest statistics.

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And Socrates died of a hemlock overdose- stupid druggie

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I could have told you that was unpossible. I would not have survived my 20s.

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