But I do feel those things.

I'm living in a time where one major political party wants me to be a second class citizen without full bodily autonomy, and the other party says, "sure, we can get behind that." I've been watching and even participating in a fight for healthcare that even when we win, benefits me not at all -- I'm in a non-expansion state making too little money to qualify to buy on the exchanges and too much to qualify for Medicaid. I've been without healthcare all this time. Even if that changed tomorrow, it wouldn't change the fact that no party or candidate that I know of has bothered to address the kind of healthcare I need the most: dental care. I have constant abscesses and infections. I'm always in pain, it's embarrassing to smile, and my risk of *actually dying* from fucking dental problems gets higher every year this goes on without any treatment, and no one's even thinking about that.

I'm not the middle class that the politicians and press always talk about; I live way below middle class. I watched the first candidate in my lifetime that seemed to have people like me in mind the most lose an election to an unqualified candidate who is utterly terrifying and triggering to me. I live in a state where most of my representatives don't actually represent me. The media implies that I'm not a Real American worthy of understanding because I don't live in a flyover state and mine coal or work in a factory. Give me a minute and I'll find you a dozen thinkpieces and a couple of books on the struggles of Appalachian coal miners. Where are the thinkpieces on Floridian freelance writers? I bet there are more freelance internet writers in the country than there are coal miners. There are more Floridians living in poverty than there are people living in West Virginia at all. But my struggle is not one anyone cares about, because I don't work in a dying industry and I live near the beach.

I'm not left enough for the lefties because I value social justice over burning down wall street, but I'm too left for centrists and the right would prefer that I didn't exist. I'm raising 3 kids on $20,000ish a year, and we're always a half-step away from something being shut off or being evicted, because that's not enough money. I'm watching upward mobility become more and more of a myth and I'm terrified for my kids, because I want them to at least have a fair shot at a better life and I'm not at all sure that they will. And while I'm on the subject, I work seven days a week and still seem to do most of the cleaning, cooking, and childcare, and I'm tired and cranky about it.

So I know from overlooked, under appreciated, and in need of a real helping hand to get to the next step. And I'm here to tell you that politicians showing up in your state to lie to your face helps none of that. Non-politician game show hosts masquerading as presidents help even less. Even if they really wanted to believe the lie before the election, anyone with half a brain can see that Trump has not done anything to help anyone not named Trump since taking office. So I just don't totally buy that they like him because he shows up. Just showing up shouldn't be good enough before the election, and it certainly shouldn't be good enough after. I don't believe the people of W.VA -- or any other state that went for Trump, including my own -- are actually that stupid. I get tired of seeing his supporters excused because they feel overlooked and underappreciated and economically anxious and they're all so excited to have a candidate pay attention to them. That's not good enough either. They aren't children. They voted for a bad man for bad reasons and they're still supporting him for bad reasons and I wish to hell that someone would insist that they own it.

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yup, when natural gas prices dropped, so did the demand for the coal used by power stations...but blame regulations.

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They do not seem to understand - 1: automation, 2: business - you want to go the least expensive route to get maximum profit - it's business, not regulation.

For people who want the government out of their lives, they are now expecting the government to bring back their jobs. Which they can't.

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The car up on blocks in the front yard is a given.

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Yeah, but he got high in the Rockies.

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Mmm, I think you've hit it. HE is there because he can't live without constant adulation. THEY are there because it pleases them that this great and powerful man deigns to visit them. 'A circle jerk' sounds like the perfect description.

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I originally thought that maybe the tape was there to prevent splinters until I saw they only made 2 thin stripes of tape, so I suspect you're right.

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I finally got them to go away except for the occasional street solicitor when I'm in downtown DC, but that took some work. Persistent fuckers.

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"Black Lungs Matter"?

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Wasn't Mrs Roper always hitting on Jack too? I seem to recall her being rather starved for physical affection.

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If only the victims had managed to achieve numerical superiority.

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Miners will be crushed along with regulations.

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I'm behind you that these fellers are dumb, but don't go disparaging fine and enjoyable pastimes like drinking on the porch.

Many a delightful hour was spent in my day sitting on whatever crate, box, old recliner, swing, lawn chair, or if all else failed the floor, and consuming copious amounts of alcohol while taking in all that the weather had to offer.

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Most of these folks couldn't define socialism even if you stapled the dictionary page to their forehead.

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The check is indirectly from the oil companies. It's directly from the Permanent Fund, into which money used to flow from oil royalties. The annual payout, a function of interest income on the fund, was not part of the original plan, being added in the early 80s (iirc) with the idea that it would have to end one day, and the fund earnings used, in conjunction with a state income tax, to fund state government. Now we are in the midst of a manufactured budget crisis, and conservatives are firmly on the side of "Stopping my checks is like taxes, and we hate taxes! Also, we're not willing to do anything else to pay for government services!"Meanwhile, Norway started pumping oil about the same time that Alaska Pipeline started, and has pulled about the same amount out of the ground over the same period. In contrast, they decided not to pander with annual checks to their constituents. Their fund stands at almost a trillion dollars, while the Alaska fund is worth about $50 billion.

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"With the establishment of the Permanent Fund Dividend, Alaska puts the power to buy cocaine and hire hookers into the hands of the citizens of Alaska, where it belongs! By signing this bill, I ensure that this money, hard-earned by the good people of this great state, will not be available to the state to be squandered on universities, K-12 education, infrastructure, healthcare, etc., when a GOP-manufactured budget crisis sweeps the state 40 years from now!"-- 1980 Alaska Gov. Jay Hammond, probably

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