For an entire generation. Kids who were not born in 2001 will now be fighting this ‘effing war. You would think there would be some other reason why we find ourselves in an endless war. I just have no idea. /s/.

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Apparently, I've been hating America since the first Iraq war. I'm pretty sure just commenting at Wonkette is going to be a misdemeanor pretty soon.

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Nikki, Nimrata, Haley going and fucking herself is something that we all can agree on. Yay, bipartisanship!She can call it whatever she likes, national commitment or her duty, whatevs, she just needs to proudly fuck herself maybe whilst saluting with alternating hands.

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"You’re not hearing any of the Gulf members, you’re not hearing China, you’re not hearing Russia — the only ones that are mourning the loss of Soleimani are our Democrat leadership and our Democrat presidential candidates,” she said, using the by-now familiar “Democrat” diminution.--from the Washington Post

Nice to see somebody in the media point out that using "Democrat" in this way is incorrect and meant to be insulting. Newt Gingrich created this and it should not be accepted.

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I do believe you are right. What with technology and drones, contemporary war looks like a video game but with better graphics. Also, it doesn’t affect the ruling class’s sons and daughters like Viet Nam, so what’s the harm?

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Haley, Graham, and all the other "2024" hopefuls are pissing in the wind. Ain't no way Trump is handing off the presidency to anyone but his family. Like most dictators do.

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Republi, Repub, Repu...I know, Pubics! The Pubic Party.

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Me since the Vietnam War. And yes, it's fortunate Wonkette doesn't allow comments.

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We can agree on it as long as I don’t have to watch.

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I laughed, which is more than I can say about most modern comedies.

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He trimmed it down from three K's.

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Nah. Try 'Lickin. The Lickin party supports blah blah, only a handful of elected Lickins actually oppose whatever, etc.

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Can't pass up a single opportunity to be a petty shit!

It's the GOP way.

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Nikki, you can be governor, you can be UN ambassador, but you'll never be President because to the GOP you'll always be a woman, and brown.

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the Reeeee party.They have after all basically turned into the 4chan party.

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Weird! The recruitment center has the same exact fence as they have in Belarus, and also Tel Aviv!

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