she is a typical Indian sell out for zionist, no soul what so ever. she even changed her indian name to be like the zionist do,. she no good.

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Nikki is a smart woman. I know uneducated and bigots look in awe when a non-white person sounds articulate and smart. She is actually very light skin compared to most Indians. Even Indians perceived lighter skin Indians to be of a higher status. However in Middle America any beigeing is viewed with suspicion. Nikki you are beige so how come you sound white? Wait you are black but you do not sound black. Or gee, you are really smart when I saw you I thought you would not get the material and I am shocked you could get it. ( A quote from a Kentucky trainer to Hispanic worker)

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I was going to go with "She's soooo sari."

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"What you mean 'we,' Paleface?"

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"Our son is a cardiac surgeon, our daughter is a brain surgeon, and our other daughter is <i>white</i>!"

Wins the immigrant "our kids..." contest, every time.

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And 99 out of every 100 on the help line.

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It's the half-wits we ought to worry about.

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This is closer to self-identifying as <i>being</i> a huge dick.

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Is "wog" Sanskrit?

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She converted when she became a Repubican.

True fact: Back in the olde days, the gummint tried to define "white" in terms of specific facial characteristics. To avoid using skin color which sometimes lets someone with a single drop of black blood look white. Anyway, a dark-skinned guy from India whose face was white-by-law, went to the Supreme Court to gain citizenship. After hearing the evidence the court <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/United_States_v._Bhagat_Singh_Thind" target="_blank">ruled</a> he was not white. Sorry Nikki, SCOTUS says you ain't white-folk.

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Well, she <i>is</i> (Indo-)Aryan.

There's a story that Hitler had Nazi scientists go search for the original Aryans - those who had deviated least from the Indo-European forebears - but was severely disappointed when they came up with a band of North Indian cattle herders.

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well now i have an earworm of 'hey nicky you're so fine' buzzing around in my head.

still. better than any of the news that i could be listening to...

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Fake news.

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Fake news.

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