As a resident of SC I can tell you that she's inconpetent, unqualified, corrupt, and a liar.

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Because the only woman Pence works for is Mother.

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Mango libelz!

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Government used to be boring. Yeah, there were big issues, foreign policy a lot of times, that had a lot of drama and got heavily covered by the media, but, for the most part, the running of the country should be one of the most boring fucking things in the world.

We need a government that is like a stereotypical 1950's Dad. Gets up in the morning, goes to work, pays the bills, mows the grass, fixes that leak under the bathroom sink (if it ever happens, and you know it will), and ends the day going through the house, shutting off the lights and making sure all the doors and windows are locked.

This is completely beyond anyone in the Republican Party. None of them are worth a bucket of warm piss. Every single problem that comes up, they posture and bluster, and point fingers, without ever doing anything to address the problem.

All we want is a government that gets up in the morning, goes to work, and gets shit done, because that's its job.

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I went back and looked after you made that observation about Melania. Her right leg doesn't have a shadow. You can see a shadow under Trump's chair from his feet and legs and also, too, the lion.

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It boggles the mind how thoroughly Republicans can be conditioned to submit to a strong, authoritarian figure.

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Almost like having to take another lawyer in with you to meet with a client because the client lies constantly, huh?

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He can't pick Haley. She's a girl. The situation would be impossible for Mother to monitor.

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The Way of the Broken Dildo sounds like an eastern philosophy.

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God, how I hope so.

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Cocaine is God's way of telling you that you make too much money.

Robin Williams, PBUH.

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Donny has his way with the ladies , albeit he has to pay and employs a pilot ( Pimp ) to handle the fore and after play ....but ..

Donny cannot handle a strong women ..Haley and Donny is just another relationship gone sour , Haley is too strong and independent for Donny , .. She is No Dummy and comes with political experience , which Donny has None ! Donny is just a Huckster !

• It Shows Donny pay’s for Ladies • And he got a Pimp on retainer • Quote : One recent presidential dinner guest was Hannity, a longtime Trump ally whose connection to Cohen shed more light on the attorney who was more than just a lawyer for Trump.

•Cohen has long been a key power center in the Trump Organization and a fixture along the edges of Trump's nascent political life. In Cohen's own estimation, he is Trump's Ray Donovan, the bruising television character who takes whatever steps are needed to fix problems for the tycoon he serves.

•He has regularly threatened lawsuits against those who pose a challenge to Trump. He has berated reporters for writing unflattering words about his boss. He has worked with tabloids, including the National Enquirer, to kill unfavourable stories about Trump. He has said he used a home-equity loan to finance a $130,000 payment to Daniels in the final days of the 2016 campaign and did so without Trump's knowledge.

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I think they deserve it, since the South insists on dumping all its really awful shit into the House of Representives.

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Haley would no doubt make a better POTUS than Pence, but I can't really see Republicans these days going for that... much less Pence!

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Even a stopped clock admits it's wrong every two decades. Kudlow ADMITTED A MISTAKE.

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The whole mop up line was gross also

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