Apparently there are many who know all about Nikki Haley's tittles.

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We'd bring our report cards home in the morning, half an an hour before we went to bed, spend 29 hours explaining why we got an A- and then our father would kill us and dance about on our grave.

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State workers should thank their lucky stars they don't have to answer the phone, <a href="http:\/\/unreasonablefaith.com\/2009\/06\/18\/texas-town-changes-greeting-to-heaven-o\/" target="_blank">Heaveno</a>

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DB: That's the kind of on-the-job drug testing I could support. I could tell 'em "This is bunk" or "This is some good shit."

If that would help.

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<i>“She’s been busy F-ing the rest of the state,” he said. “I’m not surprised that she F-ed me.”</i>

Can I "thumbs up" Boyd Brown? That was gold.

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I'm pretty busy cramming for my drug test. I heard it's multiple choice.

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teabagger america: just as annoying as you thought it would be.

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It's a great day in Wonkette!

I don't have any facts to back this up, but it is my belief most Repubicans don't know there are grades above "F".

There are going to be some pretty upset parents in SC when their kids bring home those grades. "No dessert for a week, young man."

The Repubicans got A's because they had someone else do their homework. Some may call it cheating, but they are happy to call it "getting help from a lobbyist."

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Governor! Governor Haley!

I've been bad. Really, really bad.

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Why isn't she running for president? She seems just as qualified as the rest of the candidates.

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