How is he not the American president? He couldn't be worse!

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"Wherever the leaks are coming from, if someone thinks they’re getting power and fame from it, all you’re doing is putting Americans in danger.”

Utter bullshit, such claims that informing people of what's happening being a bad thing to know is total and complete bullshit, the claim "it puts people in danger" is right wing fascist and left wing Commie bullshit.

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Worst, her name give away her Indian heritage! Her name is Nimrata.

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I'd sure love to believe that these leaks "put American lives in danger" if I hadn't heard that about every leak for the past 17 years. I'm sure it's true about some leaks, but unfortunately I can no longer give the benefit of the doubt to a government that plays that card mostly whenever a leak reveals its dubious behavior.

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The rule is much more simple: If it makes our government look bad or exposes its criminal behavior, it's a dangerous leak; if it makes our government look good and heroic, then it is a public service. See "Zero Dark Thirty" for reference.

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Sounds like Kompromat II - No Sea-Men Left Behind

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I thought North Korea would hit Alaska first.

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I think Japan is doing just fine.

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The only problem is there are so many to get rid of (with votes, of course)- and Congress did find the spine to set some rules about Russia. Non-citizens are pretty much SOL, though.

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Would that order be considered a legal order? I understand there are limited circumstances when orders need not be followed, but I don't know how many spines there are in military.

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Frank Lee Power (with Fire and Fury) is my new Math-rock / K-pop / Furry breakdance ensemble.

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Ok, that is gross. It could be true, could be bullshit. Either way, it's gross.

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I agree.One night stand, one grabbed pussy, maybe. Affair? Nah.

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Russian Navy?

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Male or female? White House page, maybe?

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Wanna stop the leaks? Put an adult back in the White house who hasn't frightened so many people with his incompetence and willingness to destroy the world to compensate for his small dick.

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