I love fringe candidates. It's even funnier when you see the polls and they end up with NO votes.

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The current Trudeau-bashing ad the Cons are running is unintentionally hilarious. Some carefully-generic subcontinental gent says soemthing about 'imagine the damage the wrong person could do as Prime Minister' and I yell, 'WE'VE ALREADY HAD ALL THE PROOF WE NEED' at the TV. The rats think I'm going nuts.

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People from BC. Seriously, BC politics has always been nuts.

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I guess I could start paying attention to national news.Hey, Trix and others, do you guys accept unsolicited snark?

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Funny, the PCs were originally just barely right of centre - they were really only fiscally conservative. Until Albertans stole the party.

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We're required to, at least twice a year, as part of our citizenship requirements. Did you not know that?

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I did not know that. I learn so much in the non existent comments on Wonkette.

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Real PCs like Stanfield, Flora and Joe Clark were the reason I voted PC in 1979- first, last and only time. Significant that Stevie barely acknowledged Flora's passing. Meanwhile, so far the Cons have phoned me twice since the election was called. I took great pleasure in being very very rude.

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The PCs were always cursed - lots of intelligent people who just didn't come across as leaders. I think it's strange, and possibly significant in some way, that as they moved to the right they ended up with leaders but didn't have anywhere worthwhile to go.

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And they don't call, here. This riding is a safe and VERY deep Tory blue. Why bother?

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They still call here. After all, as recently as 2004 we had a Liberal member.

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Plagiarism! His name isn't even Nils!https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

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I'm not sure we've EVER had a Liberal MP. Or MLA, for that matter.

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Now, now. I thought you were in SW Ontario- in the 1993 federal election, EVERY seat in Ontario went Liberal. In 1997, everything except Markham went Liberal. Basically all Liberal in 2000, and only in 2004 did any seats in SW Ontario go Con. Provincially, from 2003-2011 SW Ontario was pretty solidly Liberal MPPs. Now, of course, way too much Tory blue provincially and federally.

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Say true? It could be. I only moved to this area in '03, and was given to believe that it was a Tory bastion since forever. Before that I was rather farther north, and nowadays the only thing I remember was voting for the editor of the local paper in about every single election. Real prog firebrand, he was. Prolly still is.

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Canadians do love a giant goose every once in a while.

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