Jeffy must be have missed the sermons onWesley's 2nd tenet - do kind deeds. Being from Alabammy, I would have thought him a Southern Baptist. He's certainly hateful enough to be one.

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What an evil, twisted little fuck.

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"I don't know about you folks, but it's been a long time since I've taken it easy. So now we can take it a little bit easy, and then the work begins again."

Take it a little sleazy.https://youtu.be/UI3F687SsoU

[Kim covers ears, runs away]

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http://www.alreporter.com/2..."That Jefferson Beauregard would, in the span of a couple of days, take the position that the DOJ is no longer going to enforce the provision of Obamacare that requires pre-existing condition coverage and also remove domestic violence and gang violence from the list of qualifiers for U.S. asylum should not shock a soul.

Because the former is a big middle finger to the black president and the latter was yet another opportunity for Sessions to defend the white people of America against the encroaching minorities.

By now, I’m unsure what allies this man could have left, aside from those wearing hoods and burning crosses. But even they, given that most diehard racists are dumb as rocks and all but unemployable, had to feel a sting when Sessions cut into their health insurance."

Sessions is, and always has been, a nasty, despicable man! I hope karma pays him a loooooong visit soon!

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If you can stomach learning more about this case, here's a great explainer for both the factual and procedural aspects of the case:


A few recurring themes of this administration stand out-1. "Attorney General Jefferson B. Sessions took advantage of a rarely used power to refer the case to himself for a decision." (This wasn't casual racism and misogyny, he went way the hell out of his way to screw brown women)

2. "Ms. A.B. did not base her social group on her identity as a 'victim of private criminal activity,' and nowhere in the Board’s decision was such a group referenced. Sessions’ question appears to contest a legal argument that was never raised. The framing of the question is particularly troubling, because it seems to challenge well-established legal principles, some which have existed in legal precedent for decades." (Breaking with established norms in the most scandalous ways imaginable)

3. Even the "DHS agreed that the Attorney General should not overturn A-R-C-G-..." (Even the folks whose literal job description is is to oppose immigrant petitions 40 hours a week think this shit goes way too far)

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So it's your fault, then.

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"If they're yellow, drown them in Jello"

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Of course now that the North Korean Butthole Lick-O-Rama is finished.

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at least i know who to blame now.

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it's called late-term-self-abortion.

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congratulations. you have stumbled upon reason #2,683,419 for why they are batshit.

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That last is the big deal for Sessions. Just regular people in general getting murdered is fine with him if he doesn't think they're part of a particular group.

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I would say this would be akin to Sessions selling his soul to the devil, but at least demons(from what my Supernatural watching has told me) do have to keep up their end of the bargain. Sessions probably won’t even keep his job after doing this; as soon as Trump has another temper tantrum, he’s gone.

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Sessions didn't give two shits about black people dying in Alabama, so this is more of the same as far as he's concerned. With all the blood on his hands, it's a mystery how the little fucker sleeps at night.

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Gangs would seem to qualify as entities that the governments cannot control.So would entire families out to murder women in the name of their "honor".

As for individual shitty husbands, well, it is a bit of a stretch to say that the wife has to move to the US to get away. In a better world (one where Republicans aren't in charge), legislation would be passed to let them in as well.

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He seems to have recused himself from humanity.

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