I hear you, I was happy when he hightailed it out of NYC but whatever gets him in front of a judge works for me.

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Arizona (particularly the the middle third where Phoenix and environs are) and Nevada (the southern fifth, where everyone lives) are going to run into hard water limits within a decade or so, and the Miami area is going to have seawater invade their freshwater table. Better buy real estate in Wisconsin and Michigan right about now.

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federal flood insurance needs to be ended immediately. If someone decides to build/buy a 2 million dollar house on the beach, that's on them.

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My entire city floods. We can't all just leave.

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Sometimes I smile when I read the stories from the middle ages and the French revolution, of peasants digging up the graves of aristocrats and throwing the remains in the river or to the dogs. Just a thought.

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Mass suicide might work -- DNA engineering ought to able to add some lemming-based info into human DNA in short order.

If you mean an option that includes the continued presence of humans on Planet Earth, the answer is "NO!"

Anthropogenic climate change (already here, getting worse, with no chance of reversal) and permanent pandemic due to an explosion of variants that is faster than our ability to create new vaccinations (AND getting sufficient numbers of people to take them) are just a start.

And let's not forget that we have sufficient worldwide nuclear arsenal and sufficient people crazy enough to unleash it for insufficient reason.

That's my optimistic take.

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point taken - it's hard to avoid the Mississippi when it's ten miles wide. But maybe they could disqualify high-risk areas like the Florida & Carolina coasts? And reclassify "100-year Floodplain" as 10-year floodplains because that's what they've become.

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I live on the Carolina Coast. We've started flooding all the time, even after just a heavy rain.

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yikes, it's happening that quickly? Here in the northeast the slope at the water tends to be relatively steep except for places like Cape Cod, which is basically just a really big sand bar. So we don't notice a one foot rise.

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My optimistic take is small scrappy bands of humans surviving to learn from our mistakes.

My second most optimistic take is the evolutionary clock gets set back a few hundred million years but life survives to try again

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We're called "the lowcountry" for a reason. We're at sea level, so yeah, we totally notice a rise in sea level.

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This is part of the danger of the "interstellar space travel" myth. Folks, this world is the only one we have. We'd damn well better care for it, because escape is impossible.

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And the junk Bezos and Musk are intent on throwing into orbit could very well leave us incapable of leaving the planet entirely for centuries.

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It's well past that time, in honesty. We're missing climate benchmarks and things are going to get very bad very quickly for a lot of people.

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If I plant really really big trees instead of dinky maples & oaks, do I still have to do all 200?

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