Those are outliers, they don't count.

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"... Saddam Hussein and Bashar al-Assad were murderous despots..." But, at least they were equal-opportunity murderous despots, despoting regardless of race, color, or creed. One of the great ironies of what was sold (in too many quarters) as a "Christian" act in overthowing Sadaam is that it destroyed the Christian minority in Iraq, making them targets for simply not having been persecuted before.

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Ricks talks about after the Gulf War, there was a minority who wanted to keep going to Iraq after we drove Hussein out of Kuwait. They went on to believe containment was worthless and regime change was the only way. I personally think they did it out of hubris that we could turn Iraq into a colony of the US and get oil. If it hadnt turned into a clusterfuck,,we would have gone after Iran, or Syria to name a couple.

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I'm not a fan of pats on the head cuz I'm short and people can be too rough.

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hurts me more than them.

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"I HATE the fucking Eagles, man!"

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wh00ps, this is my brane on Monday! He should have been the first one on the list that I clearly didn't have at hand.

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I also questioned the decision not to march on to Baghdad since we were already there, but have since changed my mind and understand the wisdom of not doing that. I, too, agree that hubris was the driving motivation behind the invasion. The argument that Iraq posed a serious threat to the security of the U.S. was never credible.

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just got back from living in riyadh for 2 years. there's a lot in this article that wonkette nails. good analysis. and funny,

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When my daughter was a toddler, she went to family day care. One day, when I picked her up, she had several bite marks. The mom who was watching her said “Before you say a word you should see my kids”. They all decided to try out biting that day- they figured out it hurt, and never did it again.

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Yes! Thank you, forgot where i heard that. So many good podcasts to listen to nowadays

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Well, not for the decisions makers. But I guess that goes without saying here.

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Say what you will about the President, but the man's for rhythm.

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Thanks for the clarity spiked with humor regarding who's on first in this insane merry-go-round .Here's my take on https://uploads.disquscdn.c... recent white house decision making. Fortunately, it seems the Golf trip in Asia has preempted the final round. For Now.

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"Saudi Arabia was founded 115 years ago by Abdulaziz Ibn Saud, a man with 45 sons and infinity oil." Actually - The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is an Islamic hereditary dictatorship and it was founded in 1932 by Ibn Saud. Oil wasn't discovered there until 1938. Come on Wonkette!!

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I've been flamed enough by people who missed my sarcasm that I usually add a little (sarcasm alert) at the end.

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