You can do it with a pint or two of bourbon. The mystery is how they can still stand with minds that thoroughly impaired.

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German Cain. Different guy.

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Why would you ever turn it off? My relatives don't.

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<i>once again, we must emphasize that we are mushy-headed liberal arts majors, not business majors, but it seems like a pretty major fail to assume that the development costs of a new technology represent an irrecoverable loss</i>

not if the president is black.

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I remember back when Texas Instruments used to lose $6,000,000.00 on each integrated circuit it sold. And nothing they learned developing those ever had any other role in any other product, ever. And don't get me started on the size of Hewlett-Packards losses with each primitive calculator sold.

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GM should never have started on this ridiculous, wasteful project, which is clearly the fault of the Preznident who was in office at the time.... oh, wait.

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Hope there's no wingnut standing around and feeling afraid.

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Since Obama went back in time and talked GM into developing the Volt, he's certainly got a lot of 'splaining to do.

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Amortization, you can't explain that.

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It's arithmetic, stupid.

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The figures go up the figures go down. Who CAN explain that?

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