Fourth prize was two jobs at Goldman Sachs. (a.k.a. the 80-hour workweek they expect from all of the peons.)

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Everybody knows that you don't carry a knife through airport security. Jeez. You buy it at the airport, <i>after</i> passing through security. (You can actually do this at Charles de Gaulle airport.)

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Finished my materials engineering degree with the HP-11C, which has a lot of paint worn off it now. I think I've changed the (3) batteries once in 25 years. Indestructible.

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Maybe BoA-Wa balls?

BoA = Bank of America.

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uuummm... I feel like I kinda need to defend the man/woman swag labeling. I'm very familiar with the swag offerings at big finance events. Most items are gender neutral. I always thought it was best to have my marketing staff select from a wide variety. The recipients could keep things for themselves and share what they didn't want with others. I mean let's be honest - guys probably don't want a canvas beach bag or sleep mask but they might like a cigar cutter or money clip.

My only complaint is that GS went way low rent on the mirrors and nail files. FFS that is the kitsch you leave at hotels as travel convenience items for your employee conferences - not for gifts!

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My old company used to gift those too - 20+ years ago. I still have mine and use it fairly often. It was probably the best swag I ever received - except for the silver bars & coins.

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I've heard the lesbians don't like dildos... wait... that's not right. I'm told they do in fact like them. Whoops.

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God that would have made our corporate outtings & team building events soooo much better.

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My son said if his only two choices of in-state schools are GA or GT he will be forced to attend GA because there aren't enough ladies at GT. It must be noted that his first choice is FL but he is far too frugal to rationalize paying out-of-state tuition.

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Thanks Obama!!! They warned us... This is why we can't have nice things anymore.

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Too bad there's no women around the decision-making table.

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Γ’Β™Βͺҙ« <i>Iguana hold your hand Iguana hold your ha-a-a-a-and Iguana hold your hand</i>Γ’Β™Βͺҙ«

Lennon and McCartney

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I want to thank you all for these swell Valentine's Day ideas. Can't wait to see the look on her face.....

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Could've been worse.

Could've been "Sandwich Making For Dummies" books.

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I won the heart of Mrs. Fartknocker when I gave her a HP-11C as a gift when she was taking Strength of Materials.

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