Fuck you, Phil Roe.


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Almost assuredly, considering his protests.


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How about " useful idiot " "water carrier" or the old standard,"lackey" if you don't like asset?

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Chuck Fucking Woolery?!

"Woolery is a Christian who volunteers in ministry. Woolery has been married four times." But it's homosexuals who are a threat to the sanctity of marriage.

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In my experience, Wonkette is right on the money over 90% of the time. But of course we should all listen for ourselves and make up our own minds, because brains get better with exercise.

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Now that they've had to retire "Excellent news for John McCain."

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Because Brady and Bellicheck own the olds.

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The Patriots would like to sneakily disagree about the whole cheating thing.

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I certainly give Wonkette way more credibility and honesty (even if incredibly vulgar... which is really the charming part) points over cable news. Evan and Dok are my favorite writers here. But sometimes shit gets spun here in an ugly often misrepresentative truth that rivals even cable news (to be fair it's mostly by the non commenters here) Certainly the hyper partisan loyalty tests suck horribly and put people who are otherwise allies at each other's throats, which has driven me to stop posting once or twice for a while.

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I don't have a twitter account but anybody that does you think you could get #DraftTheTrumpOffspring trending?

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Because they don’t cheat: they’re just that good.

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I don't really understand the animus displayed in other responses to this. Maybe I'm misunderstanding or misreading the tweet? My reading:

"You know about those index funds in the stock market that regularly embarrass the supposed genius investors? Well, the 'genius' pundits and commentators and military experts correspond to 'genius investors,' and the policy that corresponds to 'index fund' is 'never support any war anywhere ever', a simple, unambiguous, and uncompromising rejection of war in all its guises."

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At least he didn't make it very far west, or he would have been the wurst.

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Your closing paragraph made me swoon😍😍

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