WAPO has been running Very Serious Opinion Pieces from their various conservative op-ed writers the last day or so carefully explaining why it really is a grave betrayal of the Democrats to the very idea of America to not save McCarthy from his own party. It boils down to the Democrats, being the mommies and daddies of the House, should have put pool noodles on all the sharp corners and handed out shiny toys and goldfish crackers to distract the silly babies in the Republican party from blowing themselves up. Or, we acknowledge Republicans can not govern, but Democrats need to protect them and do everything they can to keep them in power, to preserve the institution of government. The comment sections were full of people reading the various writers for filth.

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As usual. Quoth the Republicans-"Now look what you made us do!"

The (self-proclaimed) "Party of Personal Responsibility", as long as someone else picks up the check.

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I am really bad at faces. I've been known to say an introductory hi to someone I just met five minutes ago. And, I would never know that the woman in the top picture was the woman in the bottom picture. They look like two completely different people to me. If I'd met one, I'd not recognize the other.

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That sure was a super important opinion to voice that absolutely furthered everybody's discussion and/or understanding of the issues in this piece.

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glad I could help.

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Problem solvers sounds like something from first grade! Susie is the problem solver this week, Kevin is the eraser cleaner.

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If the Dems had voted to keep McCarthy in, then everything he did would be hung around Dems' necks as in "Democrats cannot complain about this horrid thing McCarthy did, because their votes kept him in the Speaker's chair." Because no matter what, it's always the right time to blame Democrats.

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When they choose a new speaker, I insist on Jacketless Gym Jordan. Let's see what REAL stupid can do.

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My desire to see Rs shoot themselves repeatedly in the groin is at war with my desire never to see Gym attach any respect or honor to his name.

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He can get the historic honor of shortest-serving Speaker, which McCarthy just barely failed to claim (a 19th century Speaker lasted 12 days less than Kevin, but at least had the excuse of dying).

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Kevin's failure to also attach "consumption" to his Wikipedia entry is a source of great sadness to many, I assume.

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The young can often be irritating to the old, and AOC annoyed me at first for reasons of style, not substance, but she has grown on me. I find her highly intelligent and an extremely effective speaker. I think she will be a continually rising star in the Democratic Party, and may be a serious future presidential contender.

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I've read she's not running again.

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"my job is not to put pool noodles around hard corners for Republicans"

AOC is so great.

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You know why not a single Dem voted to save Qevin? Not only is he a spineless liar who blames Dems for everything, and who is a Trump toady, but every Dem knew that voting to save McCarthy would not have earned them any political capital. None. If he had survived with Dems help, he would have blamed the Dems for trying and failing to defeat him, and he would have continued to cater to the far-right nutters who sold him their votes in January. He wouldn’t have acknowledged that the Dems saved him at all.

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The Dems solved a problem, they were offered an efficient way to dump Kevin McCarthy, a Trump sycophant and spineless liar. They expelled an ineffective speaker in a House they do not currently control. Of course there are worse, more extreme conservatives who may hope to replace McCarthy. But even McCarthy had a historically difficult time getting the gavel. Republicans won’t vote for someone more polarizing like MTG, and they are all quietly praying they won’t be forced to vote on Trump as Speaker. Dems have to hope Rs offer someone considered moderate, but respected by the crazies in the gop. That’s gonna be a really short list.

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"Conservatives are apparently immune to shame."

Ummm, well...YEAH. Donald Trump, after all.

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they always tell on themselves. Even the most partisan right wingers know who the actual adults are, and are shocked and surprised when they are not rescued by them.

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Rice was literally quoted as saying “We need leadership change … It’s time for Nancy Pelosi to go.”

And Pelosi said that the could say what they needed to say. She won the first vote every time, and the people who needed to vote against her to get re-elected were able to do so. Speaker Pelosi may be the greatest Speaker in history.

She saved democracy *twice*.

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You know, when Republicans tell me that the Democrats have made a terrible mistake, I smile. Even if I didn’t have my own opinion about what the Dems in the House did (and I most certainly do), I think I could figure out what to think by noting that conservative-leanings voices were against it.

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2023 might end on a high note. We just need Tramp Von Grundle to be convicted.

In the great spaghetti overlord's name, we pray.

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And with every conviction, the sentencing range for the next conviction gets higher because of his record.

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Poor Kevin. Nobody wants to be his mom today.

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"A loooong way from home."

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