Rush is always complimentary to the turkeys. Professional courtesy, I'm guessing.

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History: it's not on your side. It's not on anyone's side, actually, and it isn't taking you anywhere. It just stands there, calmly reflecting your own dumb twisted poor mug, waiting for you to take the hint. Which, in this case, is STFU.

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The lazy Pilgrims just sat around smoking Marlboros with time traveling Obama and Plymouth community organizer, Bradford.

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Hey wingnuts, keep fucking that <strike>chicken</strike> turkey!

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a “strange and persistent right-wing myth,” In other words, Texas history book material.

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"St. Paul’s admonition that only those who worked should be fed from the common store"

"Fuck St. Paul of Tarsus. What a tool." ~Jesus of Nazareth

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Forget that bit about common ownership of land. Let's take a look at the Mayflower Compact, the defining document of the foundation of America, authored by one William Bradford.

Let us take note of the phrases "we covenant mutually, in the presence of one another" and "for the general good."

"We do by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic; for our better ordering, and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience."

Yep, America is as commie as it gets. The antidemocratic assholes on the right, with their dreams of a strong executive and weak courts, their adoration of unconstrained capitalism, and their loathing of the concept of the general good -- yeah, those guys can go live in Putin's Russia, or in Hobbes's arcadian State of Nature. We here in these United States are going to celebrate the day we combined ourselves together into a civil body politic.

Get your minds out of the gutter: that's not what "body politic" means.

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Also too Dok, ixnay on the Gangnam-Style references. That shit has mercifully gone away and for the most part faded from the public (other than as a last set favorite at the corporate dance party where drunk white people flood the dance floor one last time to make fools of themselves before they stumble out of the ballroom and try to remember where their room is).

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<i>The original colony at Plymouth Bay had been founded by Puritans who hoped to emulate the early Christians by keeping all their worldly goods in common. </i>

Puritans!!?? PURITANS!!?? Typical know-nothing rube mistake. <i>Pilgrims</i> settled Plymouth. <i>Puritans</i> founded Boston and points north.

Puritans owned their own land and did their own farming since they got here 10 years after the Pilgrims and things were pretty much established by then. There was no fear of starving to death which had been one of the reasons for communal sharing of everything by the Pilgrims in those first years.

Eeeesh! A couple hundred of my Puritan ancestors just rolled over in their graves.

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To be confused with SEPARATISTS?11!!! What next, one of those Satanic QUAKERS!?!

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"Who? Never met the guy. Wait, isn't he that prick outta Persia? Man, fuck that guy." -Jeshua bar Juseph ish Nazareth

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Oh dear. Is Mr. Limbaugh on his meds again?

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Okay. But what about the "vagina politic"?

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Which comes first?

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He was a bit of a Winston Churchill, post five minutes' conversation with a voter.

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Socialism fails everywhere it has been tried liberals are just too stupid to learn from it.

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