It was a BIG snake. We did not ask it questions, we ran away.

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Probably a bullsnake. They are scarier looking than their actual threat-level.

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Anything I say is sure to get me banhammered, so I'll refrain.

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I understand the Attorney General is quite a supporter of civil asset forfeiture ...

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toxic sludge? it sounds like someone found a forever home for wonkette.

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Mmmm, vinyl chloride, my favourite, I love the way it tingles on my tongue.

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Nuff said.

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1241 miles.

That is the length of the shared border between Texas and Mexico. In order to put up a wall, the Federal Govt will need to take control of that land - say the whole ten miles from the actual border inside the state. It certainly won't be like a choice where you hold out for a better deal. And they won't give a fuck about whether you lived there since the 1830s, just ask any Native American whether long-term ownership means anything.

Trump will be coming for their land. And for their guns if they want to use them to stop that. Should be.... interesting. I'd advise him to send the Bush boys in first, to soften up the opposition. After they're hanging from the nearest pecan (the State tree!) he can hit Twitter to denounce the entire state as goons and announce some sort of retributive action he'll be taking against them all.

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How could anyone have looked into the future and predicted this lack of response to an obvious result of flooding in a Chemical mfg area? Yes, snark. Every person with half a brain saw a potential problem and understood the Trump admin would not give a shit.

Every Fucking Person.

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"like a scene from The Three Stooges"

Perfect description, gave me an instant mental picture, thanks.

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Besides Blinky, I am also reminded of "Bart's Comet" where the population is thrown into a panic by a comet heading straight for Springfield. In the end, after much chaos, the comet fizzles, but the townsfolk decide to burn down the observatory so this can never happen again.

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This is why mold grows in the dark and doesn’t have a mechanism to go into the sun. Because it shouldn’t be there. Who knew that being in the public eye would expose their criminal enterprises?

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Corpus is the island, I think...right? that was the intended. but it does sit at the mouth of the bay where all that wonderful stuff was coming out of

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But Houston is the issue with most of this clean up stuff. Austin, I agree is a different story. I have found that companies that don't want people to tell them what do with their private property tend not to want to follow rules about how to manage their hazardous chemicals. They don't keep their MSDS's uploaded properly with the local fire Departments in accordance with Right-to-Know laws. They claim wastes as product to avoid RCRA regulation. They don't properly maintain sludge ponds or berms. And the local governments don't demand accountability.

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over 9000

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OT, but Trump addressed a "youth forum" or something today:"All my life I got the greatest publicity, until I ran for office,” Trump said, according to reports. "But there’s a lot of fake news out there, and I’m proud that I exposed it.”“People really do get it, there is a lot of fake news out there," he added. "Nobody had any idea. I’m actually proud of the fact I exposed it to a large extent. It’s an achievement.”http://thehill.com/homenews...

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