The loyal opposition and our fellow Merkins on the savage right have been having a very hard 24 hours, what with trying to come to terms with how they were totally raped in their bottoms by a man, a Justice, a CHIEF JUSTICE they thought was their friend, but who it turns out is the kind of communist socialist maoist Kenyan anti-colonial who would allow the terrible socialist communism that is private insurance companies continuing to hold sway over the health care of the nation.
If if could do for him what it did for <a href="http:\/\/\/2012\/06\/27\/prussian-blue-twins-lynx-lamb-marijuana-changed-nazis-hippies\/" target="_blank">Prussian Blue</a>, I&#039;m all for it!
I&#039;d be quite happy to see Roberts impeached, for lying about respecting <em>stare decisis</em> and for seriously contorted readings of the constitution; especially if Obama gets to select his replacement.
As for mental slow<em>ing</em>, I&#039;m not so sure. They were never that quick to start with, any of &#039;em.
And Thomas is going to rule ... ha ha ha. I&#039;ll bet I had you going there. Thomas rule. As if! But you gotta admit, Scalia&#039;s lips barely move when Thomas is speaking. HA HA HA. Gotcha again. Thomas speaks. As if! Seriously, they should just give Scalia two votes so Thomas can stay home and guard the telephone.
Well, to be fair to Savage, it&#039;s quite clear that the Chief Justice was incapable of comprehending the lengthy argument Ginsburg made first to explain that even the uninsured are already <em>in</em> healthcare commerce (60% of them will visit a Doctor or ER in the next year; 90% in the next 5 years), as his terse dismissal of it was in fact savagely disemboweling a straw man (lying that her statistics included people whose healthcare consumption was limited solely to buying aspirin at CVS, which quite plainly they did not).
In fact, judging by the tone of her concurrence/dissent, Justice Ginsburg simply does not care for the Chief Justice&#039;s restrictively narrow reading of the commerce power and the necessary and proper clause; and nor do I. I also share her simple lack of care for his unprecedented impingement upon the spending power.
Sounds much like what he allegedly commented last night he was allegedly planning to allegedly do ;)
If you&#039;re ever in Southwestern Virginia I&#039;ll take you out to dinner myself.
Well it&#039;s about damn time.
If if could do for him what it did for <a href="http:\/\/\/2012\/06\/27\/prussian-blue-twins-lynx-lamb-marijuana-changed-nazis-hippies\/" target="_blank">Prussian Blue</a>, I&#039;m all for it!
It goes a long way toward explaining, though, why the Baconettz are going to be super-Fucking awesome.
Any political leader giving Weiner so much as a second glance would have their competence questioned...
Lemme guess: you&#039;ll be here all week.
(Should I try the veal?)
You <i>are</i> talking about puns, right?
I&#039;d be quite happy to see Roberts impeached, for lying about respecting <em>stare decisis</em> and for seriously contorted readings of the constitution; especially if Obama gets to select his replacement.
As for mental slow<em>ing</em>, I&#039;m not so sure. They were never that quick to start with, any of &#039;em.
And Thomas is going to rule ... ha ha ha. I&#039;ll bet I had you going there. Thomas rule. As if! But you gotta admit, Scalia&#039;s lips barely move when Thomas is speaking. HA HA HA. Gotcha again. Thomas speaks. As if! Seriously, they should just give Scalia two votes so Thomas can stay home and guard the telephone.
&quot;I&rsquo;m going to tell you something that you&rsquo;re not going to hear anywhere else ...&quot;
&quot;...because nobody else is as fucking stupid as I am.&quot;
Or <i>should be</i> on medication. That pretty much covers the bases.
Your employer has a caning room? Even by Singapore standards, that&#039;s a tough boss.
Well, to be fair to Savage, it&#039;s quite clear that the Chief Justice was incapable of comprehending the lengthy argument Ginsburg made first to explain that even the uninsured are already <em>in</em> healthcare commerce (60% of them will visit a Doctor or ER in the next year; 90% in the next 5 years), as his terse dismissal of it was in fact savagely disemboweling a straw man (lying that her statistics included people whose healthcare consumption was limited solely to buying aspirin at CVS, which quite plainly they did not).
In fact, judging by the tone of her concurrence/dissent, Justice Ginsburg simply does not care for the Chief Justice&#039;s restrictively narrow reading of the commerce power and the necessary and proper clause; and nor do I. I also share her simple lack of care for his unprecedented impingement upon the spending power.
Just what the court needs: more shameless ideologues who&#039;ll &quot;vote conservative&quot; and look at the Constitution later.