I did not watch the video. I have very little idea what the fuck this whole dealie is about. I have the general impression that it is the sort of fooferaw that might have arisen if I had made some unguarded remark about a friendly slap on the ass, as a counter-example to serious abuse, if I happened to be the Vice President of the United States in an era full of inept motherfuckers who manipulate audio-video ineptly.

But, I can't right now pay a lot of attention to this, because of the fact that my younger (21) spawn has actually shown signs of achieving sentience. I am, very seriously, delighted.

NRO, Breitbart's Ghost, and all those assholes can go fuck themselves.

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just one of the many unanticipated consequences of Boehner scheduling all those House vacations...

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Breitbart's clearly slamming NRO for not editing <em>well enough</em> to make the smear even remotely credible.

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Damn I love Tyrion.

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I can't believe they almost appear to have been shamed into doing the right thing, which doesn't even seem like it is remotely possible.

I am guessing someone from Malaysia or the Ukraine must have paid them to do it.

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Not sure about "damage done." It's not as if the mouth-breathers, knuckle-draggers, Fauxtards and freepers who got all "outraged" had their opinions changed.

As for NRO, just add a few more RPMs to William F. Buckley's rapidly spinning corpse. There are things you read that just make you go "WTF??!?", and so you check the source, and you see it's on your list of shitsites (Zombie Britebart, Wash. Times, Wing Nut Daily, Faux, etc. ), and you either ignore it or, if you have the time and inclination, go looking for the truth elsewhere. Botwinick's editor is a dollar short and an hour late, because NRO made that list last year.

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I wonder what in the world happened to make the Rightnut Wurlitzer actually backtrack on a smearjob?

I mean, this really is amazing. Quite the testament to how awesome Ole Joe Biden really is, that a cheap-ass suckerpunch (their stock in trade) actually gets a retraction and/or apology?! How awesome is that? JOE BIDEN AWESOME.

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"It was only a matter of time ..."

I think the mass of the Higgs Boson, having been found to be <a href="http:\/\/www.escapistmagazine.com\/news\/view\/122212-Higgs-Boson-Points-to-End-of-Whole-Universe" target="_blank">a tad on the low side</a>, interferes with that assumption.

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but it's still OK if handsome Joe slaps Rich Lowry until he sees starbursts, right?

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so you can better display the tramp stamp

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Doesn't matter, damage done- mission accomplished. The flying monkeys won't see the correction and won't care if they do. The die is cast, so it's feces flinging time...

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STP hired him to sing "I'm half the man I used to be"

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I think we're gonna need a ruling from Vince Offer

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Nitwit Rat fuckers Online

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shaken, not stirred...

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Nathaniel Botwinick wanted to get that Demonrat-bashing out there before someone else did ? Is Nathaniel Botwinick even old enough to vote yet?

(Actually I just wanted to post the name of Nathaniel Botwinick again so that future Google searches can more easily find this principled, objective journalism from Nathaniel Botwinick.)

(Nathaniel Botwinick.)

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