Bill Maher is pretty smart, I'll give him that. He's also another smug asshole with a degree from Harvard, which makes him thinks he's smarter than the rest of us. Someone should tell him it ain't so.

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If Bill wants to jump on the 'Blame Canada' wagon, he's a decade behind Trey Parker. Only, those complaints were both relevant AND funny.

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this morning, Fareed Zakharia was quoting Maher and sounded like he agreed. It's all in his book...

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Maher is washed up and irrelevant! Sad.

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Isn’t it interesting how the people who yell the most loudly about individual responsibility, rights and all that are also the first to blame others for making them take those positions in the first place?

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comment moved to the right place.

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woo hoo! great invective. bringing fire down on that little pissant is a public service, and i thank you.

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Bill Maher simply craves being told he's smarter than everyone else. Now that "the left" has seen through his flimsy shtick, he's turned his lonely eyes to the refuge of lost mediocrities, the right.

Maybe he'll get a New York Times column out of this.

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I watched Bill Maher for years and went to his live shows. He lost me during the pandemic, especially when he would talk about trans people but never had a trans person on. As you point out, he and his writers didn’t do the research or only presented what they wanted. That fucking pisses me off.

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Bill Maher is an ass who knows he only remains relevant by pissing people off. Nobody stays on tv by saying sensible things and showing empathy and respect for all kinds of people. Fred Rogers died 20 years ago.

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Ta, Robyn. Bill Who?

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He's always been a right-wing fellow traveler. He made a name for himself with a show called "Politically Incorrect" back when 'political correctness" was the "woke" of it's day. It's what the right-wing media taught their bird-brained parrots to shout as a response to any sense of decency, so they'd never be tempted to have an actual thought in their heads. "I'm a liberal but I disagree with everything liberals think" has always been his lazy shtick.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

>Maher then pointed to how even in many countries in Europe, the land we all idolize and use to tell conservatives they are being backwards, they have started restricting certain hormones in treatment for youths seeking gender-affirming care

No, they haven't!

a)The European countries Maher is pretending to support have stopped paying for trans kids to get the same endocrine care as cis kids at their national socialist health care providers. They have <i>not</i> made any effort to restrict trans kids from getting endocrine care at private medical providers: that's a U.S. thing.

b)Also, none of the U.S. bans on trans kids getting health care are "restricting certain hormones in <b>treatment</b>:" they are restricting certain *people* from getting treatments. Every Republican HRT ban explicitly says that cis kids, the vast majority of the population, are still allowed to get all the treatments they want to deny trans kids. Republicans are not trying to ban some special "treatment" that was only created for trans people: they are trying to ban trans people from getting the same exact medicine that cis people have unfettered access to.

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He tried really hard to be irrelevant and by darn he succeeded.

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Best “We Didn't Start The Fire” Robyn post EVAR!

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Health care increasingly sucks in my part of the world. The oby-gyns are leaving hospitals because of the laws. When the ob-gyn leaves, the surgeon gets called for the c-sections and emergencies. Well that sucks so they leave too. When the oncologists can not treat women of childbrearing age without risk of jail, well they leave too. The good surgeons already left. The people who want to work with them leave.

Red states are becoming health care deserts.

It is not the Obamacare, the Clintoncare (SHIPS) or the Johnsoncare (which is OMG fun to type) that is doing it.

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