I guess it's not real because you say so. http://childabuserecovery.c...

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Thank you...I found that site as well. :)

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More articles like this one are needed. Great job.

Sometimes. I think 1/2 of the population are complete idiots who not only believe all this crap, but spread it around. What is it about some people who have such an insecure need to spread faulty crap? You would think that any person with the intelligence of a piss ant or higher would know that any of these far out stories would be on every major news channel in the entire world. Reporters would die to get their hands on a real story of this significance and nothing would stop them. But no.. They would rather believe some garbage posted by a low class internet website who's only motive is to get them to come to their website and hopefully click in an ad or two, so they can make a little money.

Wake up idiots of the world. Your the problem. Your not revealing to the world some great secret that only you and few of your close associates know about. Your proving to the world what an asshole you can be.

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Somehow agenda driven FOX NEWS (or is it Faux)...CNN, and the Brian Williams crowd doesn't seen to inspire confidence as reliable news sources either...

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You believe mainstream media would cover such a story? Gallup polls from 2012 report 60% mistrust of mainstream media. Harvard Institute of Politics poll found of 3,000 aged 18-29, only 2% believe mainstream media can be trusted to "do the right thing" on a regular basis. In short, mainstream media is too unreliable to be used as a reference in any discourse.

Better to start surfing for alternate news websites and news reports from other countries and compare their stories to weed out truth. Overseas news websites reflect even more of what's going on in the U.S. than we do.

While the ITCC may be a small group not yet widely recognized, their 5 judges heard 48 eyewitnesses to these crimes. If the ITCC is to be ignored, then at the very least this number of eyewitnesses clearly requires the respect of investigation and resolution.

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You people are right man does not have the right to convene courts, only GOVERNMENT has that right. Man is a slave to the State. How dare these slaves try to convict the Emperor for wrongdoings. Man has no rights. The Empire has set up their LEGAL SYSTEM to keep the slaves in line. Slaves that believe LEGAL and lawful are the same thing. Just being sarcastic of course. If you don't know what i meant when i said the Pope was the Emperor, then clearly you have not done any research into this subject and you are not qualified to comment on this post.

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So in other words.. this article doesn't not prove that he wasn't charged.. its simply lie and propaganda, trying to discredit the sources that actually reported this! :D

good try, though.

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Thanks for wasting 3 minutes of my life. You call yourself a journalist? Damn, the pool of souless, sellout idiots willing to dance as their puppets must be getting small ... because my 7-year old son writes better with his right-hand tied behind his back (yep he's right-handed).

I'd actually LOVE to print your article & wipe my ass with it next time I shit, but that seems a little rough, plus you're not worth the .001111 for the piece of paper (or ink for that matter). Plus, your writing is SOOOO bad, I wouldn't even let it touch my ass.

Because I've already debited my kharma bank account enough I'll end here. With THAT being said, you sound too "simple" to be spiritual, but if/when you learn about "kharma" - my guess is that in your next life, you'll come back as toilet paper, since you've wasted so much paper (writing your CRAP) in this one.

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https://www.youtube.com/wat... . Close this kidfkrs whole life >#

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So ... then ... let me get clear on this. YOU are saying, that YOU only believe something if snopes.com says it's true? BWAUAH-HAHA-HAHA ... THAT IS AWESOME! Do you EVEN KNOW who snopes.com is?I won't ruin it for you. Look it up yourself. HAHAHAHAHA ... you fucktard trolls are so easy to rebuke, you guys ALWAYS do yourselves in before we can even get there!"SNOPES.COM = TRUTH" .... BWAUAHAHA HAHAHA BWAUHAHA! GOOD ONE!

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You DO know that Snopes was started by some guy & his wife & their cat working from their basement, don't you?OMG - you mainstream media ZOMBIES ... are priceless!I'd give you a lecture on "knowing what the FUCK you're talking about before shitting all over the forum discussion with your feeble-minded, uneducated, PIECE OF CRAP opinion ..." but honestly, you guys make for some SERIOUS COMEDY! So ... keep up the good work! We need you IDIOTS to help us get TRUTH out!

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Tes fou toe? Ils ont essayer ca deja les Anglais, ca marche pas ca

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Yep. Anti-Catholic wingnuts have always been out there, They just have technology, now. The further you dig, sooner or later you come to Galactics, Hollow-Earth Dwellers, and the like. A fake court, a scam artist, and fellow unhinged supporters with Internet connectivity DOES make for entertainment, though, as they run amok with their butterfly nets. What is common to ALL of these individuals, though, is that sooner or later you will find a link "to donate". Who would donate to such frauds who lurch about claiming Cabals and mass child sacrifices that can only be prevented if you pony up cash? Who are the idiots out there who fall for this crap? Just read some of the comments - those ready to be fleeced are legion.

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Annette isn't the first or last to testify that there British 'royals' AKA German Nazi inbred scum, are corrupt, murderers & pedophiles. They're heavily involved in the heroin & arms trade. They have huge influence over governments & media. To the point that, a princess can tell numerous people, write letters & record tapes saying that her husband is going to kill her in a staged car accident. She dies 2yrs later in the exact way she predicted & they were never even forced to testify in court. Yet these inbred trillionares, who hide their true wealth & pay zero tax. Want us to believe they have no power & they're just decorative? You'd have to be an absolute idiot to believe that. Do I think these people could kidnap & kill poor & vulnerable kids? 100%. Countless survivors of child sex trafficking, from around the world have named British royals & other elites as being involved in this international ring.

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Shitty Marty Kelley, you've been hired.

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Hey, liar, look above - the author of the article also asks for donation.

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