"Canadian political discourse hasn't yet sunken to the level where right-wingers simply accuse anyone who disagrees with them of being groomers or pedophiles" Unfortunately that is no longer the case.

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Coming here to say the "somebody think of the children" line is Helen Lovejoy, not Maude Flanders

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"which reportedly caused Pornhub traffic to drop by roughly 80 percent since no sane horndog wants to risk identity theft by a sketchy smut peddler, and tech-savvy teens on a mission to masturbate would surely have no trouble creating fake ones with Photoshop or whatever the kids are using now."

I am ok with this. Pornhub makes money from revenge porn. It refuses to remove porn that was intimate until shitty BF decided to post it to the world. That is a non-trivial part of the market. Anything that costs PornHub 80% of its revenue is good with me.

OnlyFans has less of an issue with age requirements, in part because of the payment requirements but also because engaging in live sex in front of minors is not a thing the vast majority of people are into. So normal healthy sex workers enforce the requirement themselves.

I really hate Pornhub. Their "problems" with passed out women (she was acting! she never reported!), revenge porn, and "I thought she was 18" shit are long-standing. There is enough free shit not to monetize the worst.

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For someone who is a total wanker he sure hates porn!

God, much as I feel that periodic turfing of the party in power is necessary, like changing the sheets, and much as I feel like we’re maybe primed to toss the Liberal sheets in the old electoral washer for a term or so, I hate Poilievre so much that I’d rather do another term of increasingly corrupt Liberals again.

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This is why Spicoli pulled a knife on Mr Hand.

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I am deeply creeped out by Polievre, and of course afraid of a majority Conservative gov't, but hopefully nonsense like this bill will scare away enough voters. A constant problem for the Conservatives is candidates and MPs saying the quiet stuff aloud. Canadians consider abortion care and access solved, also too marriage equality 🏳️‍🌈 and tend to be very frowny face about having those particular cans of worms opened again.

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True, as long as they’ve been around the former Reform nutwads cannot resist saying the quiet part loud and making people not vote for them just because.

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See, this is why term limits for U.S. presidents are not a bad thing. People are getting tired of Trudeau, but was there ever a process or path or whatever to hand power off to another Liberal?

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Sure. He could step down as head of the party, and the Liberals could select someone else. I don’t know if that would necessarily trigger an election.

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Is it bad that I recognize the actress in that featured image?

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Ummmm...usually not quite so clothed.....but yeah, me too....

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Me too! It's from Ted Cruz pron.

I will forego my all but kneejerk response to write, "Fuck Ted Cruz," because of the subject matter.

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"Conservative Party of Canada" Surely, "Conservatives of Canada"? The acronym is more ready to hand!

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I was already a full fledged adult by the time of Fast Times at Ridgemont High but, jeez, I watched that movie for a lark a few months ago, and I admit I repeated certain scenes a couple of times. Yowza!!

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Hey, Pierre, define "porn".

Because we all know A) they really mean LGBTQ stuff and icky bad words, and B) I've legit seen the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue called "porn" as well as a cartoon mouse peener in Maus, and if that's what you're thinking of kindly pack your bags and hie your tightly wound britches over to, say, Iran, where there's a whole infrastructure for dealing with that sort of thing already. Or Saudi Arabia. You'll love it there. Bring a chainsaw; they've still working out how to get bone out of theirs.

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No way I'd let that gaping yaw near my johnson.

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Oh my goodness! The crazies are trying to take over EVERYWHERE it seems! What a sad state of affairs this world has become. 😟

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You Americans are a bad influence.


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Yes. Yes we are. 😞

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Gotta love that lady's teeth.

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Crazy eyes.

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She apparently does.

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Canada: Home of the mouth-watering Beaver Tails.

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This might bring that lunatic family that moved to Russia back. "Au revoir, Moscow!"

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