That the most bestest comment ever!


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Is this a dog whistle for Jade Helm? I'm ready, comrade! Let the invasion begin.

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If you've never been to Stone Mountain you should google it. There is literally not a more appropriate place in the country for them to hold such a rally. A southern "Mount Rushmore" featuring Jefferson Davis, Robert E Lee, and and Stonewall Jackson, created with Klan money, and now the site of a nightly jingoistic laser light show where the southern heroes come to life and ride out to the cheers of the crowd.

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If you want to secede, get on with man! But don't forget to give back the blue states tax monies back as the door hits your ass on the way out.

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Thank for covering that idiotic article. So much hateful stupid. They linked to it over at Balloon Juice or LGM. I couldn't believe what I was reading.

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"This may surprise y'all, but I'm actually in favor of tattoos. That way you can tell at a glance that somebody's just not right."

-- Hank Hill

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I feel a song coming on...


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Funny you should mention that: http://wonkette.com/484466/...

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There's a lost cause alright. Just not the one the rednecks whine about. The lost cause was the squandered opportunity for the poor Southern whites to make common cause with the newly freed slaves and throw the entitled Southern aristocrats permanently out of power. You know, those pricks that brought on the whole Civil War and are still itching to go to war with somebody somewhere every generation.

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Is Taki's Magazine the one that published that "why black people are scary criminals" essay by John Derbyshire that got him kicked out of the National Review? It's tacky, all right.

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generations of want and suffering and being scapegoated and trying to scratch out an existence in a conquered land where their conquerors seek to scratch them out of existence

Didn't Saint Ronnie tell these people to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps?

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Wait, that actually works for you? I usually get a lecture on how I "don't understand history" or how I've been "brainwashed by the liberal media" or, on one memorable occasion, how I can't talk about the Nazis or the Vietcong because I wasn't born until those wars were over. I tried to argue that by that logic, he couldn't talk about Jesus, but that started a rant about how the bible is TRUFAX and I gave up before I smashed my head through a wall in frustration.

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One hundred and fifty years after the Civil War ended, here was a perpetually maligned demographic that had witnessed almost everything, including their dignity, being stripped from them.

Of course, when anyone suggests that today's black people might still be affected as a whole by what happened to them 150 years ago, this guy probably rolls his eyes.

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Although probably more than eye rolling.

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No, they got, and continue to get, endless subsidies.

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When I was 13, I rode the railroad line that circumnavigates the big rock, and the performance artists slash rebel soldier on the train wanted to hang me for being a yankee. I was from North Carolina.

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