they already get $770 a day per child, can't afford soap on that? heck they should be put up in a 5 star hotel. With room service and a pool and a full time nanny per child.

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Jeez Wonketteers! Be reasonable fer cryinoutloud! How is a good modern day American Nazi (or, you know, your average Republican) supposed to call them durty mesicans if we let them wash? I mean, it's just common sense. Cruel? Well, sure, but why should we take that into consideration? It has rarely mattered in the past.

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In the UK the RSPCA ( Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) was founded 65 years before the NSPCC (Prevention of Cruelty to Children). So maybe pretend that these detained kids are actually puppies to get people suitably outraged. Joking aside this is horrific. The short term abuse (and that is what it is) will certainly have repercussions when these kids grow up. How do you understand compassion when you've been given none in some of your most impressionable years?

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"Hey I don't either, and lookit me!" - Pete Hegseth

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Of course not, and I didn't mean to suggest anyone does. We are a nation of (mostly) barbarians. At least the ones in charge are.

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The cruelty is the point.

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Conserving soap and adding stink and flies, totally makes sense, DOH!

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That needs a basic Nancy Pelosi response, like, why are you even bothering me with this?

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For Republicans, its a feature, not a bug.

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Close... the euphemism for execution was "Relaxing"... though the Inquisition over 300 years world wild executed only about 2000 people compared to Henry VIII of England's estimated 10-12,000 just for "heresy". The English speaking people are unspeakably cruel, but have a genius for doing so in the most innocuous language and blaming others. .

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Had to re-read this a couple times. I assume you meant "They are *not* just something..."?

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Just overly pedantic... So... uh.... relax:

Just something I've been writing on lately (the Inquisition and why majority English-speaking and majority Spanish-speaking countries have been at each other's throats going back to Henry. It's insane that Honduran and Guatemalan kids are paying for it five centuries later.

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Yeah, I was typing a little too fast....sorry.

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One thing to consider, the argument against the judge's ruling is by the awful Trump lawyer but the ruling was about conditions at the camp when Obama was President. So this is also saying something pretty bad about the Obama administration.

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I guess I missed the bit where this was identified as an ongoing violation of the consent decree since forever, and not a new violation since Trump.

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