Cocaine's a hell of a drug!!! Rick James Bitch.

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I remember that guy. I didn't know he was black until that foofaraw when he tore into Michael Steele.

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Some people are still surprised that I'm black.

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And Stalin just thought Russians would be OK with mass murder and torture as long as he didn't wear a snazzy uniform all the time. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Got it.

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Take it easy on him, he must be new here

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Not everyone can be Earnest all the time, like our hero here https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Robyn, that was not so much a post as an essay, and a first-rate one. You do good work.

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Some of us are not. Really, we are not. It's just that nobody who IDs as a "white progressive" - especially the "leadership" - wants to listen to all the warnings we gave until literally everything is literally about to explode. Just like Da Real MLK actually did say, 50 years ago this year, in his Letter to a Birmingham Jail. You know, about the "white moderate". WE TOLD YOU SO. WE TOLD YOU ALL ABOUT THIS. We told you exactly what was going to happen, and why, and when, and you ignored it because you didn't want to hear it.


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Our weakness: earnestness.Our Achlles heel: authenticityConcise post here. Reminds us what we have in our treasure box. These virtues are soft spots but without the vunerabiities there would be no sincerity to our struggle so we tradeoff to be these these valuable , if not impervious things ourselves. Good, useful weaknesses.

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Well this explanation is something different!

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I have no doubt that there were many people sounding the klaxon long before the boat loads of shit hit the fan. As testament to this, I wish your citations went further back than yesterday.

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Thank you!

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Essentially, disingenuousness is their core competency. Unscrupulousness is their art, because they don't have anything else.

Let's take the fact that they follow their "thought leaders" like unquestioning lemmings, that they circle the wagons and dig in deeper around "their own," no matter what, and love their "false flag" narratives to no end.

If we were the same kind of unscrupulous shitheels as Bannon and the wingnut media, we'd exploit and attack them using this obvious weak point.

Back during the actual 2016 election, before the Mercers and the Russians were fully invested, every time Trump made them look like idiots, many rightwingers would howl that Trump was a "Democrat Plant." They'd point to his past voter registration as a Democrat and his support for Bill Clinton.

Now, if we were disingenuous unscupulous shitwads like them, who'd employ any weapon regardless of its truth, we'd be exploiting these wide veins of weakness of theirs.

We'd be trolling everywhere telling them that they should "wake up" to how Trump is doing all these embarrassingly shitty things in order to make them look bad, because he's actually one of us libtards, easily pulling the wool over their eyes by becoming so "rightwing" that he's an actual caricature of rightwing values, all for the purpose of discrediting them in the end, by being an obvious criminal. He knows you'll follow him over the cliff like Pied Piper, because FOX and Friends they tell you how he's constantly under attack, from all the Liberals.

"Ask a liberal if they are 'waging war on Christmas' and that liberal will laugh SO LOUDLY AT YOU. But FOX tells you about it, every damn Christmas! Think about it, how they do the same with Trump!"

We could drive that wedge so deep, if we just didn't give a shit about morality.

They should thank us that we don't have the same kind of scumbags *coughALEXJONES* as they do.

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Explains the wheels on his feet and his stiffness!


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Both of those sources are clickable AT the source. Which means you can look up pretty much whatever you want and stop waiting for a POC to do your homework for you. That’s one of the cornerstones if white male entitlement, however unconscious.

The way I was raised, if someone offers you a sandwich, you say "thank you" and offer to help them make the picnic for everyone else. You don’t demand they open a restaurant with their own financial resources to serve only you and people who look like you.

Plus, if you'd looked closely at the dates on those reports before you started making demands, you'd have noticed that all those citations are *news*. If, instead, you want *history*, you can, as already suggested, consult those sources' feeds and archives, do a good Google - though those algorithms have their own issues, since the people who built them have *their* own, all of which has been well-documented now - or take a jaunt to your local library, either brick and mortal or digital.

Maybe start with those MLK speeches you haven't ever heard which I referenced.

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