Did you even read the article? The article that disputes your story/link on polio?Where it says:

"Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and their allies in the WHO proclaimed that Gates’ $4 billion ten-year African vaccination campaign using an oral polio vaccine had finally eliminated the dreaded polio. That was at the end of August.

One week later on, September 2, WHO was forced to backtrack and admit that new polio outbreaks in Sudan were linked to an ongoing series of new polio cases in Chad and Cameroon. According to the WHO, further polio cases have been registered in more than a dozen African countries including Angola,Congo, Nigeria and Zambia. But the shocking thing is that the outbreaks are all reportedly caused by the Gates-backed oral polio vaccine."

It REALLY must suck to be so fucking ignorant.And I’m REALLY not surprised by your lack of brain cells.

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Reading comprehension isn’t your forte. “Wild Polio was eradicated.” https://amp.theguardian.com...Dude, you want your kids to be walking Petri dishes, you want to home school them, you want them to go deodorant free, be my guest. I honestly couldn’t care less about anti-vaxxers and their kids, I hope for their sakes that herd immunity doesn’t go below 70% because they would be totally fucked.

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There are thousands of parents in the Sudan, Congo, Angola, Nigeria, and Zambia, that agree with me, and think you're an IGNORANT ASS for pushing that VACCINE POISON on their children!

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Whatever dude, like I say before your opinion is irrelevant.

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How are we irrelevant? "Your kind" are the ones insisting on "our kind" be forced into being vaccinated Lab Rats. How does that make us irrelevant, to your kind? Our kind aren't insisting on you doing something, you feel may detrimental to themselves, and their children, against their will.

I and my children will remain "petri dishes" for any virus we may encounter. Just as you and yours may remain "lab rats" for Big Pharma, and their toxins.

Just don't expect me and mine, to be mandated to do something against their will , just to placate your kind into feeling safer for us being forced to.That will NEVER HAPPEN.

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Alrighty then, like I said before, I don’t give three flying fucks about people like you. Wanna live your life like you are a plebeian in the dark ages? Be my guest! There are way too many people on the planet, anti-vaxxers are helping to reduce the population , thank you for your sacrifice, I guess.

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So, since you said "you don't give three flying fucks", about our kind, why would you ever feel we should "give three flying fucks", and sacrifice for your kind? And yet, you think I'm the ignorant one.Sure.

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I don't think he technically did that since he hasn't responded to questioning under oath, but rather just publicly made vague reference to his "Constitutional rights".

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Al Capone was imprisoned on similar charges.

And I'm OK with that.

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Plus, if you cite the whole thing, you're covered just in case there is a clause in there about Asshole Criminal Sons of Asshole Criminal Presidents Don't Have To Talk to AG's.

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Holy crap, I'd stopped counting and didn't know it was over 200. JFC.

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with that ilk you just know you're only seeing the tip of the sleazeberg.

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Records that were subpoenaed and not produced, and testimony from Eric (and a few others) that was also subpoenaed.

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I’m not an accountant, but I am smart enough to know that I can’t afford enough lawyers to be sufficiently obstinate to make it worthwhile.

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As I noted elsewhere, I think the Code prohibits wearing an actual flag, not wearing fabric incorporating flag motifs. But I couldn't swear to it.

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Pro life, anti gun, co-signer of Green New Deal Gen 3, atheist and gay freedom fighter.

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