It’s how they ran Auschwitz. Work until you die, and die if you can’t work.

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I was reading last night about how thousands of Mexican farm workers are stuck in Mexico because of changes in processing their paperwork. The farming industry is screaming; they will be let through, I'm sure. It may already have started. We need these folks to care for our crops. When I commuted to work for 20 years, I watched them starting at this time of year, setting up poles, running cables, trimming fruit trees, etc. Later, harvesting. If we go to this proposed laissez faire medical system, how many of these folks will make it to harvest?

Does the Mad King understand that many of his votes come from the working poor? They're not all brown.

Does Fox Propaganda understand that many or most of their viewers are olds?

The medical community will also take a permanent hit, and will not be replaceable in less than a decade or more. And young people considering a higher education path may look for something other than doctor or all those other health care roles.

Does this mean we will stop supporting our newly unemployed, and the currently supported zero hours employees, and actual small businesses? None of the people in power remember the previous times we had desperate mobs of worker wannabees knocking on too few doors.

Ah well, as long as Trump looks good for the election... oh, wait.

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Sure! Trial by combat for all disputes should be a big economic boost to my favorite hobby, martial arts.

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I figure McConnell has already calculated how much he can cut from Social Security and Medicare if we let our at-risk population kick it. Just imagine the glorious tax cuts this will bring us!

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Shy Guy keeping his face hidden while thermal-charging his butt seems very on brand.

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Italy got their hospitals overwhelmed and they ended up with OVER 8% of diagnosed cases dying.

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Yeah, but young people aren't voters... That's why Bernie isn't the Dem nominee.

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Well, I took the amount Trump wants to give the richies (1.5 trillion buckadingdongs) and divided that by the number of coronavirus deaths per the total population if the 2.5% mortality rate holds (8 million).

I got $18,750 per death.

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Did Dr. Fauci tell the PeeResident that PPE does not mean that peepee is an effective antiviral?

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I'm sure they'll think of something to get the cost down.

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Good points. The thing about people seeking a professional career not looking at medicine is interesting. I wonder if people wanting to become doctors fell off sharply after the 1918 flu. And for nurses. Medical education was not super organized then, so it might be hard to tell. And it wasn’t an elite job then either. In Thomas Young’s book The Youngest Science he describes his fathers workday in 1920. And I read it and I’m going how come he’s only in the office for an hour a day?? What the fuck? He was on house calls. House calls during an era of epidemic diseases like diphtheria, whooping cough, smallpox and without antibiotics. Wow. Not an elite job. Also Michael Moore‘s grandfather was a doctor back in the era when apparently it was one year of medical school. Given how little was known back then, totally feasible. But yeah being a doctor is going to look real different to young people, as well as the rest of us, after this.

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It’s gonna all change when somebody famous dies from it.

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Yes! This is the only good use of the loathsome Trolley Problem. And The Good Place was awesome! I can’t remember where the term Jeremy Bearemies came from though.

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No, they don’t. Maybe people should have to pass a little test on what those words mean in order to renew their drivers license.

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No, but Putin can only do so much by remote control.

Plus, Putin would not want a smart puppet, who might consider cutting his strings, and even double-crossing Putin in the way Hitler double-crossed Stalin in 1941.

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I have never heard this before. And except for the 1970s condescending language, ‘handicapped’ 🙄, it is fan-fucking-tastic!

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