I was just listening to an edumacational audio CD about viral related central nervous system infections and climate change is a big reason the mosquitoes have been surviving the winters in North America..

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Oh, if we could only take the anti-vaxxers and put them all on an island with a huge wall around it and let nature takes its course. With votes, natch.

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Oddly enough, I do remember getting vaccinated when the Sabin oral polio vaccine was new. Everybody went to the local school and lined up for a sugar cube in a little cup. Not even a needle and it was vaguely pleasant. I didn't feel abused or violated at all.

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Possibly you've noticed the ads for hormone replacement therapy? Tired, low sex drive, etc.? All it takes is some hormones and you'll be back on your feet straight away! I have a feeling the anti-vaxxers would fall for that. In one of the ads a man says "my doctor was going to prescribe something but I didn't want any of that stuff. I want something natural." Something someone mixed up in their garage.

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One weird trick!

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Look, given sufficient force and velocity, pigs can fly. Landings, however, are still being worked on.

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Morons. Everyone knows autism is caused by chemtrails.

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In summary, a bunch of big pricks complaining about a little prick.

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Were you there?

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Jesus never even went to the doctor.

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They are threatening (or maybe they actually are doing, not sure) to hold the public assistance dollars hostage until the babbies get their vaccinations in Oz. Don't know about there, but here, it's not the poor people who are refusing to vaccinate.

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Well obviously if you don't live through childhood you'll never get a chronic condition.

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Only gullible rubes and rubellas would believe it.

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Obviously, a needle-dick too.

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"THIS IS JUST LIKE ___(something absolutely nobody likes)____!!!1"

a. Hitlerb. Rapec. Anti-Vaxxers

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Mmmmm, caterpillar milk.🐛

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