
They have a bi monthly paper that you an subscribe to...If you like the paper option...Its free of course...Its made up of younger people mostly, and I am no longer in that category unfortunately...But best to keep up with their local work in YOUR area...You know the saying ALL politics is local...Dems need to learn that lesson more than EVER...We focus too much on the DC end

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RAMEN! Holy cats, SER, I want this entire column tattooed inside the eyelids of every pathetic, terrified supposed "Democrat" in Kentucky.

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Sarah Gideon is responsible for Sarah Gideon losing. And no, impeachment was not, and was never going to be, the major issue in Maine.

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What gets me is that this was just a couple paragraphs out of a much longer speech, given at a university for a university function. A person really had to dig to find this to be outraged by. It's not even like she's being lavish in praise of the Republican Party so much as encouraging people to fight the cult.

If Biden or Bernie or any testicle-laden politician had said something similar, we'd be focusing on the "take back your party" part and not the "need a strong Republican Party so I can go back in the kitchen per my proper station" part that Nancy's critics obsess about.

Seriously, ever since 2015 I've been increasingly disappointed with how pervasive the racism and sexism are in progressive circles. Oh they're better than the Republicans to be sure, but the main difference is that progressives know what they can get away with and still escape progressive ire. Mostly it's a matter of framing complaints so that they're less "Nancy Pelosi should be baking me a pie!" and more "Nancy Pelosi is getting played by the Republicans".

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I wouldn't worry about a big, strong Republican Party resulting from sane Republicans "taking back" their party. There aren't enough of them left in the world to make a "big, strong" party.

Of course, I do worry about the "big, strong" crazy party. I'm not blind.

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You're not throwing your shots at the goal, at all. You don't even know where the goal is.

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The job of Speaker is never about being "transformative" (name the last transformative Speaker). As for preventing the advancement of the right wing, we have the White House and both Houses of Congress, narrowly but that is because there is actually a lot of hard-line right-wing support in this country. As for "status quo" stuff, the relief bills that already passed and the infrastructure bills which I expect her to get through are as massive as anyone with a grounding in reality (which unfortunately excludes you) can expect.

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Well, he certainly transformed his party, I'll grant you that. But as far as legislation, which is the actual job of a Speaker: if you go back and look at the "Contract on America," essentially zero of it got enacted. And to get back to the original topic: pushing an impeachment which was predestined to fail was a serious tactical blunder on Newt's part.

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Nancy's just being wacky. She knows nothing will change inside the GOP. It's going to continue to get worse.

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there is no other way to read it than an invocation of bothsides. you can restate it to better get your intended point across if you want to, but that's how it reads as is and i doubt anyone else is reading it differently.

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Because you don't understand what she's saying?

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The Republican* party hasn't been The Republican Party for 60 years or more.

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To put it simply, "the political system of this country needs a top to bottom reset, ASAP. I thing T. Jefferson once wrote that he figured the constitution would need to be redone periodically. I don't think he meant every two hundred years or so. Yes, I know about amendments, but aren't we still waiting for the Equal Rights Amendment from the 1970's, for christ's sake.

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Oh good heavens, don't you understand that you tailor the message to your audience and what you're hoping they'll do in response?

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Whenever there's an opportunity to cast Nancy in the worst possible light, you can trust that Wonkette will be there to do it. And half the Wonkette readers will go right along with it.

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IMHO the Speaker was doing a little instigation, simultaneously egging on the Q trumpists for whom she represents an Emmanuel Goldstein, while trolling the “moderates” like Cheney and Romney into action with an appeal to their “patriotism”, because the deeper and more fractious the schism, the less effective they will be at turning out their voters and winning elections; Rs in disarray FTW!

This is how you really play eleventy dimensional chess.

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