Thanks, I'd never seen that commercial before. I've always loathed the anthem. First, Anachreon in Heaven (the melody, an English drinking song) is horrid, and ridiculously hard to sing if one isn't drunk (and I never am). Second, the jingoistic war-glory is the thing I love least about the nation of my birth.

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Hey, I'm hip so long as I get to dance like this artiste:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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For some reason, I first read that as "ten yard penalty." Might as well tack it on.

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Oh god, tone deafness can already make me want to hurl a rotten banana at people.

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Also loss of down...prison bedding is of terrible quality.

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Fine, we'll rewrite it then.

Oh, say, can you seeJets of prostitute peeSplashing onto the manWho invented covfefe...

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I'm still going to say we need to leave Barron out of it. Trump is not a child. He's a cruel, grotesque 70 year old man with the power to do astonishing damage. Barron is a child. He asked for none of this, he deserves none of this. Whether or not he knows or doesn't know to stand for the anthem is none of our business and not acceptable to mock. We know literally nothing about what might or might not be behind his behavior. My son has mental health issues and at that age might well not have known to do this or that, and I would burn with the fire of a thousand suns to anyone who might criticize him for their perception of his shortcomings, then or now. 11 can be extremely young. Barron has never done anything mean, or inappropriate. He seems sweet and harmless and as far as I'm concerned is off limits.

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Sire? Facts not in evidence. Sure, he's tall and blond, but Donnie isn't the only tall blond guy in NYC. Maybe Melania only takes on tall blond lovers in case of an oops.

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I'd watch the brown strychnine, though. If you want to do half and see what happens and then do the other half, that's up to you.

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I'm reading Blitzed: Drug Use in the Third Reich. I''m gonna start worrying when Donnie moves Dr. Feelgood into the WH as his personal physician.

That's when the serious drug use starts.

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But I.C.E. is just chomping at the bit to upgrade their title.

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Oh Lord,Ooh you are so big,So absolutely huge,Gosh we're all really impressed down here I can tell you,Forgive us, Oh Lord, for this, our dreadful toadying (And barefaced flattery),But You're so strong and, well just so...super (Fantastic),Amen.

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We so need to start an "Old Man" rap band. My tag would be Droopy Dog, O.G. (Original Grandpa).

"Mutha fucka on my lawn,lettin' that dog shit won't see 'notha dawn'cause I will pwn that twit."

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They weren't that overbearing in the heart of the Cold War, when I was in elementary school.

Ok, I'll sing: Oh, say can you see, how totally FUCKED we are?"

Or, just to annoy the travel ban, the old traditional verse, from the ball game that the Mexican went to: "Jose, can you see...?"

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I'm convinced Trump doesn't know all the words to the National Anthem. Every time I've observed him singing (sometimes even inappropriately) he stops at the same place then picks it up again at the end.

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Remember how well that worked for George H.W. Bush in the 1988 campaign?

No, as I had not yet achieved object permanence.

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