Pumping the idiots who financed this film in the rear.

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Is 140 characters really a "speech"?

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It is really clear what happened here.

The invisible hand of the free-market pulling on one side, and the invisible hand of all the Libral Movie Reviews tugging on the other, made a giant goatse blackhole (thankfully also invisible) that this movie's profits fell into!

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I’m not going to see unless they make an animated version or one with puppets.

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In 3-D.

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Ah, it's the invisible hand of the free marketplace that the teabaggers are contemptuous of. Wait, <i> what?</i>

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<i>"...why so many liberal movie critics have slammed this movie..."</i>

Over on Rotten Tomatoes, <i>Atlas Shrugged</i> has a 6% positive rating (2 out of 32). You hear that Barry? There are at least 30 liberals, all of them movie critics. Ignore them at your peril.

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<i>Atlas 2: The Re-Shruggening</i>

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