Did the Duck guys "steer far clear" of Charles? Because that would be a pretty stark statement in itself.

Charles is a real peach, as revealed by this gem he gave us in July: "<a href="http:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2013\/jul\/16\/hurt-cant-we-all-just-move-on-when-it-comes-to-rac\/" target="_blank">Can't we all just move on when it comes to race?</a>"

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<blockquote>It appears that no one on the program actually works for a living,</blockquote>

Charles doesn't understand how teevee editing works! That's adorable. (Or if he's fluffing the "makers," not adorable at all)

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<i>As with most government programs, the result is incestuously stupid, lazy and hopeless people who cannot roll themselves off the bed long enough to find a job and buy a better house that doesn’t rattle violently every time a train goes by</i>

He does realize that TLC also brought us that festival of family values "Sarah Palin's Alaska", doesn't he? So, yeah, that sounds about right.

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Huh. i thought Honey Boo Boo was a republican.

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I am constantly reminded that I should kill my TeeVee.

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It would be fine if the Boo Boo family were Moonies.

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honest to god these fucking people.

the company owner is a privatized entity giving the market what it fucking wants as driven by ratings and advertising returns like the fucking free market dictates.

the family is dirt poor with one (inadequate) breadwinner. they are grasping the opportunity to pull themselves up by their fucking bootstraps.

the audience is whoever the fucking audience wants to be in this age of unlimited FREE MARKET FOR PROFIT cable television viewing.

if you're so worried about content asshat, you should have listened to us 2 (3?) decades ago when we said deregulation would lead to a host of ills, including the lowest common denominator programming.

harrumph. now i'm going to watch GOT.

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Donald Duck Dynasty?

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I understand that Honey Boo Boo's family accept a gay relative, so they are probably not republicans.

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I think it might be full of feet...

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