When you're a cat you're a cat all the way,

From your first cornered rat til your ninth dying day!

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My cats used to make a very frustrated chirping noise when they saw a birb sitting right outside the window. Mom, it's right there! Make invisible barrier go away!

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Kapitano was so handsome! I'm sorry he's gone.

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Thank you. He was a character and a half. I miss the guy. I do wish our kitty friends could live forever.

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Clearly that gorgeous cat rules over everything he sees, when not on the leash...

Buster is one good looking creature.

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First Buster Keaton, and now Buster Kitten. = Theme?

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My cat is named Buster Kitten. He's a Nebelung beauty :)

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Hobbs!! would chatter at the crows in the compost pile on occasion. He doesn't do that anymore at his advanced age of 15 but he would occasionally exhibit this behavior, usually while sitting on the windowsill looking out at his little friends.

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My parents' cat is sooooo quiet, but she will go on her screened in porch (she's not allowed outside) and make these teeny tiny sounds like "cheet?" at the birds and squirrels and it's pretty cute. My dad gets a little upset that her little friends "don't show her enough respect".

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Hobbs!! was the product of a greenhouse cat and a shadow in the night so he inherited a lot of borderline feral behavior from his dad, if that is possible. I got him as kitten and he never said a word, didn't even purr for his first few years. He was always quiet up until 2 or 3 years ago and now he is a yowler. You can't shut him up.

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Similar scenario with a stray that came to my place in '10, never heard anything from her until about 2 years ago, now it's conversations that don't end when I'm ready for them to!

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What a beautiful cat. And surprisingly dulcet-toned for such a big fella.

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There must have been a bird or something that cat was looking at up in the trees. Such a beautiful one. ❣️😺❣️

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Feb 1, 2024
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They are such beautiful creatures!

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I've got a pair of these boys, same color, everything.

One stays by Mommy and lets me hold his paw.

One tries to menace the Newfoundland, who laughs at him.

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lol, cats!

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I remember so fondly the night I met you and your fiance, Rebecca, and, you were so bubbly-- I really wanted to take you aside and urge you to play hard to get more-- and not make it so easy for the man!! In my capacity as old hen!! So funny because-- when have I ever urged such a program on anybody? You had a red cocktail dress on -- maybe that was part of it-- and as I came down the sidewalk you walked up and gave me a big hug! How did you know I was there for wonkette? How did you know I was there to regulate your sex life just like some Golden State Virginia Foxx ? Ha! Well I hope I kept my ideas to myself. I feel I was there at the very beginning of Donna Rose's life-- I don't know why I'm so sure of that-- anyway I'm glad you broke through that 'but he's my IT guy" barrier.

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Well that article about health care costs is infuriating. My sweetie is a retired doc and she'll tell you all about trying to maintain an independent practice in a town that is increasingly monopolized by our local Big Hospital and strangled by insurance companies.

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Shit. Now we have to deal with the climate issues that cause "atmospheric rivers." Why can't it just RAIN like it did in the good old days? MAGA.

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record snowfalls in Bumblephuck Township..........no climate change

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That Maine coon cat is a stunner.

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The man who couldn't stop stealing transportation vehicles is named Darius McCollum, and his amusing story turned into an absolute tragedy and injustice. He is on the autism spectrum and in 2018 a New York judge declared him dangerously mentally ill and placed him in a New York psychiatric facility indefinitely.

Despite psychiatrist's recommendations that he be placed on a "track 3" or "track 2" designation where he might receive services and enjoy relative freedom, the judge relegated him to "track 1" which is reserved for the most dangerously criminally insane. He is housed in a place with extremely violent and extremely mentally ill people and it is likely he will never see the outside world again. What happened to him is heartbreaking. There are people advocating for a reassessment of his sentence on Facebook. Google him if you would like to find that group and help.

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I want to know EXACTLY why the thought of President Kamala Harris sends a chill up Haley’s spine. Say it out loud, Nikki.

Oklahoma - just because you border Texas does not mean you have to be as cruel and ignorant as our Republicans are.

Joe Biden and every Democratic legislator need to be shouting his accomplishments from the rooftops. Reparations for our First Nations, Indigenous, and Native Hawaiian Peoples are long overdue.

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WELL, Kamala Harris is part Indian and Nikki wants that honour. Yes, I know Nikki is fully Indian, but she sure wants to pretend she's white.

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The NOPE happened in my ancestral hometown so it was on every news place yesterday. The manifesto is so much very online spaghetti. QAnon stuff but also anger at student loans but also white boy entitlement, just... oy.

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If he hadn't been so homely it would be different.

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I say this feelingly for him. It's a very very bad fact of life.

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That MAGA-drunk (alleged) parricide was busted close to where my mother in law and father in law are buried. Glad they didn’t live to see this shit.

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Whew. Just finished Radley Balko’s extraordinary post in response to the latest lies in defense of Derek Chauvin and his fellow murderous cops. Thanks for the rec.

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Yes, they claim Chauvin wasn't doing anything. Maybe he was just "being there for George Floyd" in a supportive way. They claim you can't see anything.

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That story of the man who murdered his father is horrifying on so many levels.

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A venue in STL that has been up and running for about 6 months, the Greenfinch Theater & Dive, does Drunk Voice Lessons & Karaoke. Kinda like a mini live bank karaoke, with talented owner and vocal coach Colin providing live accompaniment on keyboard.

After wanting to try it for a couple of months, I went last week and was surprised that he had no notes for me, after hearing extensive notes for the singers before me. The whole score scrolling by with tiny lyrics on a tablet on the music stand at a distance between what I could focus on with or without readers kinda threw me, but You Don't Know Me is a song I have sung a lot.

This week I picked My Funny Valentine, and Colin's only note was to speed up the tempo to "give it a pulse", based on its origin in musical theater. I liked the result. He did suggest emphasis on the last line to take the sting out of the generally insulting lyrics. I told him I thought Jimmy Soul's If You Wanna Be Happy has a similar vibe.

An entertaining evening, for sure.

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I did it! 😃 I made myself a substack! Just posted the welcome story but I'm planning on importing some of the stuff I have written in other places, so I'll get to that ASAP. Thanks for your support! https://open.substack.com/pub/bluepnwcats/p/yay-i-have-a-substack-am-i-a-cool?r=gc3ns&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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“then held up the victim's head in a politically-charged YouTube video blasting the…”

Oh, Daily Mail. Was it “politically charged?” Is this important? Any other details, like maybe “he was whistling a surprisingly catchy tune,” or maybe he “used some clever puns.” I mean, important stuff, in the context that he was *holding his father’s head that he had just cut off?*

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Oklahoma Republicans spend every day thinking of ways to extend their tale of tears.

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Yep, the stories today have fully broken me....

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I hovered over the links in the NOPE sentence to read the URL, and I totally agree with all those NOPES.

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I trust the NOPES, and will not click.

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