The shitty people don't want it...so more for the rest of us.

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I'll take $10,000 but I hope we get more.

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Should be that Gov't is in place to make life less shitty. Our economic model requires the poor. On one side we have folks who want the poor to feel a boot heel on their throats. If you're poor and miserable you will want to get rich and happy. Barf. If only. My side would like it if we took the boot heel off the throats of the poor.

At some point in the past there were riots by people tired of working long shifts in intolerable conditions. A "five 8 hour day work week" is a figment of some fat, white suburbanite's imagination. Parents should be raising kids, not wasting time at some third part time job. Fine...if its a $15 / hour min wage, fine.

Maybe it its time to just rethink things a bit...from a more structural perspective. Whatever we're doing isn't capitalism anymore, and I'm not sure if capitalism in the dictionary sense was all that good to begin with. Now its a bunch of oligarchs...owning. Chinese, Indian, American, Russian, Middle Eastern...don't matter. Peddling and influencing and tipping and greasing.

I don't want "big gov't". I want a structure in place, designed and its core to ensure that no boot heels get applied to throats.

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Those you feel can deliver? Meaning Saint Bernie, who's delivered nothing?

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Please review the rules.

We're not allowing that word anymore. "Asshole" applies just fine. Go with that, please.

— Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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Yes, THAT'S a great idea. Vote for pure perfect online bros who value catchy phrases like, "Defund the police," which doesn't say, "Retrain the cops in de-escalation, stop giving them military materiel, make sure that mental health care calls are answered by mental professionals, make turning off bodycams an automatic firing offense, and get rid of the "I was i fear for my life," excuse. Also no sexual contact between cops and detainees can be "consensual." But that's not memey.

And as for the $50k I wonder how many rich white boys are behind that. Funny how they never promote things like community college and trade schools, or subsidized daycare, which would enable a lot of single mothers to rise out of poverty. Never once has Bernie mentioned that, but his big concern with mothers was always avoiding paying child support for his kid.

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Getting the damn virus is its own reward, and is in general good behavior.

I walked by a truck today plastered with paranoid antivax bumpersticker stupidities. They will be getting their vaccine late, if at all. Determenedly ignorant people often get "rewarded" for their decisions.

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People who have never been to college will see it as taking money out of their pockets to help those who are already better off than they are.

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I think he understands the need for targeted relief that can be expanded upon; it's unfortunate the focus will be on '10k vs 50k' and not the impactful pieces about "free community college for all, free state school for anyone whose parents make less than $125,000, and loan forgiveness for graduates who work in socially valuable professions, like teaching and social work". Potentially this will be millions of people who do get 50k or even more forgiven and encourages a return to trades and education providers.

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The SSA lost 4 years of my employment.

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No, I was talking more about guys like Colin Allred, Lloyd Doggett, Joaquin Castro, etc., you know, people who actually write and pass laws... all politics is LOCAL!

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I paid off all my student debt. It took me 15 years. Would have been nice to not have to do that. I hope today's debt holders can get a pass.

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When you insist on everything you want or you will not support that candidate, all or nothing, you often end up with nothing. I recall in 2016 reading someone comment that they just could not vote for anyone proposing only a $12 minimum wage like Hillary proposed, it was $15 or she was voting for Stein. The same when Hillary proposed enlarging the ACA and studying expanding Medicare to age 55. Not enough!!! Despite Medicare for All, or a $15 an hour minimum wage, unlikely to get anywhere in Congress. So they voted for Stein. Or didn't vote at all. Or even more perplexing, Gary Johnson.

So we ended up with Trump. And almost losing the ACA, removing requirements that federal contractors pay $15 an hour, refiguring what is a management position, opening up overtime for all those retail "assistant managers" they work 60 hours a week with no overtime for $26,000 a year. Meanwhile the federal minimum wage stayed at $7.25 an hour for 4 more years. And a tax cut that only helped corporations and rich people. Plus a conservative Supreme Court because some voters would not let control of the courts change their mind about voting for Hillary.

So let's not blow what looks like a lot for progress instead of going backwards because Joe just isn't good enough or progressive enough. After all, if you can get $10,000 debt forgiveness this year, you might get another $10,000 after the 2022 election. And so on. Or you can stick with $50,000 and get nothing. We lost 4 years, actually moving backwards on things Democrats fought decades for, and now a Supreme Court that will be conservative for years. All because the Democrat just wasn't Democrat enough. We need to stick together for the next few years and realize that splintering into factions, especially when you are fighting the faction the majority of the party voted for, means the Republicans will win. I don't see anything Biden has proposed that is not a big improvement over Trump and the GOP. Attacking him now will just make it harder to get even those policies enacted.

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It does feel like 4 years of intense psychic warfare is over, doesnt it?

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That just means the voting method is terrible. There are methods where you can vote for both with a preference for the better one.

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Ta, Evan.

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