But... but.. but... Then how do you PUNISH those people?

They got to do all those wild and fun and risky things that you denied to yourself, as a good righteous person.

It isn't fair that they can just reform and be treated as a person, like you. Not without some form of permanent PUNISHMENT.

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*GASP* How unbelievably RACIST of you to even ruminate about the possibility that maybe something might have some kind of tenuous link to anything slightly regarding race!

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Sounds like a miserable existence.

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just like in Ohio

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scapegoating 101. give em an object to focus their anger on and you can completely distract them from noticing all the terrible things you are doing to them- the poor simply make for a convenient target

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Probably just by what tags randomly survive Wordpress.

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Jesus. These people.

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Lets just cut out all the middlemen.

Instead of Food Stamps, just give em a nutritious and delicious ration of Monsanto Nutrient Paste.

Who cares what's in it.

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Remember that part of the bible, where Jesus is multiplying the loaves and the fishes? And how as he was feeding the crowd he said:

Lo, come unto me and you shall be fed. Unless you are a crook. If you are not a crook, come unto me and be fed. Oh, or if you do drugs. No food for you either. Or if your parents are crooks or do drugs. Then you can starve. So if you and your family are all drug free and NOT in any kind of legal trouble with the Romans, then come unto me, and you shall be fed. Unless you voted Democrat.

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<blockquote>The right to have arms in English history is believed to have been regarded as a long-established natural right in English law, auxiliary to the natural and legally defensible rights to life.</blockquote> Thus spaketh the Wikuhpedia article on A2. So the Second Amendment also outlaws abortion, as can clearly be seen. But since you also need food and medical care to live, these are constitutionally protected as well, and Obamacare is thus constitutional, as is welfare.

See? A2 giveth, and A2 taketh away, except yer gunz.

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