'Snow White' becomes 'Gun-metal Grey'?

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He's a Crisis Actor, just trying to make President-for-Life Trump look bad...

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Fuck their Feelings.

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Cuck snowflake!

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You know they had their hands on their guns when they interrogated her.

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When someone broke into my grandmother's house and stole some of my games, they hung out long enough to smoke a few cigarettes and left the mostly empty pack behind. The police were entirely uninterested in taking the pack or the cigarette butts as evidence. I was pretty pissed.

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Also, too, "pig" is a verb again, just like in the Sixties, bless their hearts!

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I don't know if he really put down new carpet or not because it looked exactly the same. He said he did, but I thought that was odd at the time because the carpet was only 2 years old and in fine condition. I can't think of any other reason why he would need to move every single piece of furniture.

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This is going to get worse before it gets better.

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What is it with stupid White People. They embarrass the shit outta me.

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As much as I know you're right, I hope you're wrong.

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Everyone - just remember this shit whenever you (over)hear a white person opining '[why are] the blacks are always so angry[?]'...

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He buried a body under your floorboards.

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"Some say she also ran with scissors..."

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