Ok...let's get this out of the way...

Blowjobs are better than no jobs.

And buttsecks. Also.

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No snark, but I think my reading skills are failing...

<i>I have come to my own personal conclusion that we shouldn’t tell people who they can love or who they can marry.</i>

This is a good thing, no?

<i>Last year, I opposed Amendment One</i>

Again, perhaps my reading of the amendment is off, but shouldn't she have opposed Amendment 1?

<i> so long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of responsible gun owners</i>

Since 85% of gun owners are good with background checks, it doesn't seem like their rights will be infringed, so what's the problem?

So yeah, either my reading skills are failing or the Big W has reached a level of sublime sarcasm that is far beyond my understanding.

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Blow jobs will get you through times of no money better than money will get you though times of no blow jobs.

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that's some jerb creation I can get behind...

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It was Lee-Jackson-King Day in Virginia for a long time. That is, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson to balance out that subversive Martin Luther King. And of course, starting next week is Confederate History Month.

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slightly OT I just went to teh wonket bazaar looking to purchase a limp flaccid lightly salted poisoned rat dick of sadness and I was unable to find said item anywhere on the site. Likewise, I was unable to find any at the handy Amazon.com link

I would appreciate it if someone could look into this unfortunate oversight and notify me when it is no longer out of stock. Perhaps if Kay neglects to claim hers...

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