this disease may not prove fatal but disfigurement is already well advanced

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If this doesn't motivate the Electors, I don't know what it's going to take. See you in the camps.

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I wonder who keeps tabs on these "but but but they did it first" sorts of things.

Perhaps is there a Tit-For-Tat Bank?

"I'm sorry sir, your Tats account is overdrawn. We cannot help you until you deposit eleventeen Tits."

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WHAT? OH, SORRY TO YELL!!! I'VE BEEN RUNNING MY WOODCHIPPER ALL MORNING so it's warm and toasty when I climb in.

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Okay, it takes a while, but I'm sure it'll be here Monday..? :S

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What's really bad is that I keep catching myself wishing President Obama and the Democrats had done something like this back in 2008 when they had the chance (or maybe, to make it really symmetrical, in 2010, when the Democrats actually lost--Republicans seem to fight most viciously when they're on the losing side, so why not us?)

I guess it means I really have given up on democracy, which is oh so sad, but boy howdy, I cannot pretend there aren't moments when I'd like to see Democrats fighting back with the kinds of weapons Republicans use.

This is, I guess, what happens when the fascists win using the tools of democracy; the only way those who believe in democracy can hope to fight back is by adopting the tools of fascism.

It's a lousy deal for poor old America any way you slice it.

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I volunteer to work the deposit window!

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Of democracy maybe.

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These democracy murdering pieces of shit should all be immediately arrested and shipped to their precious gitmo as the domestic terrorists they are.

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And ... we're done.

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Fuck Duke.

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I was seriously on my way to the Capitol, Moore Square in fact, when I ran into a friend who needed help getting to the doctor. I can't provide wonkphotos :/

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For what it's worth, I would be. My sense of justice and fairness is far greater than loyalty to a political party.

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They're just following in the footsteps of the Federal House.

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Power grabs, pussy grabs, where will it all end?

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Yes. Big shrug response with a look that was all "above my pay grade."

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