This is their job.Trump's gonna pay 'em right after he wins.

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It's the same mentality that says every news organization except Fox and Breitbart is biased toward liberals (and they're not sure about Fox). Anyone who considers any fact or opinion contrary to your own, however briefly, is the enemy. As Jesus said, "He who is not with me is against me."

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Any republican who wrote that and also went to law school needs to ask for their money back. Logical arguments are one of the skills a lawyer is supposed to learn. These people clearly have no idea how to do that.

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Also claiming they are "man, and idiot of the Legal Society?"

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It doesn't matter if a suit has merit. The entire point is the "Dems sued for illegal campaign contribution" headline. The entire rest of the suit and articles about it could be one long lorem ipsum and no one would know.

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If Trump were elected it would definitely "start ruin" my "erection".

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Nice to see that the GOP's lawyers are the sort of assholes who use "Democrat Party" at every opportunity. No wonder the judge told them to shove the complaint up their collective asses.

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They still could be under contract with Gotham GR or Extra Mile Casting! Just like the very first Trump appearance, earning $50 to wear shirts, hold signs, and cheer.


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Oh, they're even more childish - they didn't capitalize either "democrat" or "party." I wonder if they wrote the whole thing in their Big Chief notebooks?

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But there seems to be little connection between the announcement yesterday, just 5 days before the election that Lending Tree was planning an expansion in Charlotte over the next 5 years, and allegations of the timing of that being politically inspired. They will receive a state grant of almost $5 million and maybe hire up to 314 people. This was the same company that Gov. McCrory and SC Gov. Mark Sanford (guy with the Argentinian mistress) were implicated in receiving unethical or possibly illegal payments in 2012. Of course, the ethics committee in NC was packed with appointees of the governor and the GOP state legislature, so you know how far that went.



McCrory is not real popular in Charlotte right now even though he was the mayor there for years. And it is not just due to HB-2. There is a major toll road expansion that has many people sayhing is based on favoritism and and illegal activity, circumventing the will of the people in Charlotte, plus the state taking control of the airport from Charlotte. Maybe the Democrats need to contact the state Board of Elections or sue McCrory and Lending Tree for illegal contributions. NC does not take a back seat to Kansas, Texas, Florida and Alabama or any other state when it comes to GOP dirty tricks. I won't even go into details on how the state GOP executive Director sent an email to every county Board of Elections reminding them they worked for the Republican Party, not the citizens of North Carolina.

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Who would want them representing a company? [shudder]

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Enough. Just one question: can a private citizen start a RICO investigation? Because it's over 20 years since we should have RICO'd the GOP.

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So more like Parrotheads then?

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Note to self, don't bother with Lending Tree for anything ever.

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Not a GD fan, but I once saw one or two of the musicians (can't remember which) interviewed and they talked about how Garcia wouldn't allow them to reference current political, etc. issues in their songs. They had one song where they had to use "styrofoam" or something in the lyrics and they had to convince him they couldn't do without it, but otherwise it was always old-time stuff. Can any deadheads familiar with their repertoire confirm this?

(Still resentful about the February 11, 1970 GD concert [archive.org] featuring Peter Green and members of Fleetwood Mac and Duane and Gregg Allman and members of the Allman Brothers Band--whoever recorded the concert decided to mix out Green's guitar. Some of the archive-dot-org commenters talk about how wonderful Green was, but one comment complains that Green was not included in the mix; it's also a complaint made on PG/FM forums about the concert.)

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