w libel!

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My daughter is pretty amazing already and I feel lucky to BE her mom.

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Obama giving nukes to the Iranians.Obama giving away billions of ameros to the Iranians.Obama giving in to terrorists by paying a ransom to the Iranians.Obama being a tyrant.Obama being too weak.Obama refusing to say "radical islamic terror"Obama saying "radical islamic terror".

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Too late, Dearborn, Michigan is a Caliphate now. Complete with no-go zones and all. The sky is truly falling. . . . .

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Shorter story, nr 2s are ratfucking in writing lege?

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munch butt much? say it 5 times fast.

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Flawless victory!

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Presumably we can bundle prominent Republican gay/transgender menace nonsense together as 'gay vagenda'?

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Obama, generally, much like Hillary, generally!

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Absolutely coincidental that one party wants to change the position of people who investigate them from elected to appointed.Sort of like how getting cut from broken glass is coincidental. No one can explain it!

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Yee-hah! Keep on trucking, librul Tarheels----I knew there had to be some of you left!Please GOTV!!!

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Asheville, Charlotte, and university towns (Research Triangle area) libel. Which is pretty much true of every single state in the south. The cities and U-towns are sanctuaries for smart people and the rural areas are full of many beautiful life forms, except for the human ones, which are mostly morons.

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Robert Byrd. Just sayin'

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It's a horserace!

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Except Charlotte elected McCrory as its mayor SEVEN TIMES so maybe not.

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