i cannot believe no one has made a huguenot joke yet.

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If I recall correctly, this was still being vigorously discussed in 20th C Ireland.

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I certainly don't speak from personal knowledge, but my understanding is that you can at least wiggle it. Just a little bit.

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*psst* alt-text

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Hmmm .... I can't help but notice that it makes no provision for people NOT worshipping Almighty God. And I don't think it was an oversight.

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They don't like any of the "teen" amendments.

13 = no slavery 14 = due process etc 15 = everyone can vote, men only edition 16 = income tax!!! 17 = direct election of senators 18 = prohibition 19 = everyone can vote, women too!

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Next they'll toll it back to before Galileo and Copernicus. Then before Islam. Eventually they'll be back to before Jeebus. And we'll all be Jews.

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As a papist, is this going to interfere with my vacation plans at the Carolina beach?

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Mmmm.....the sacrament of the shrooms. Ramen indeed!

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Smarter, but less tolerant.

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...once the University of Florida is eliminated, the great state of Florida will take its proper place as the most Batshyt Psyco state in the union!!!

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Double up-fist for once-removed geographic relevance.

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There's also the small matter of the 14th Amendment, but maybe they haven't read that far yet. (Most of these yahoos seem to stop at the 2nd Amendment, on the theory that once you've got a gun, you have all your other freedumbs pretty much covered.)

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I’d like to suggest a new license plate motto for NC.

North Carolina, making Texas look like paradise.

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The ghost of Jesse Helms does not rest, people.

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