Obligatory Betty Bowers

Ah fuck it, C4TWOMAN beat me to it! :-p

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I love the two mastodons in the background who are all "Huh. Sucks to be Fred, don't it?" "Yeah - hey, you wanna check out the meadow on the other side of the hill?"

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You don't have to worry about your dog, Evan. He was talking about puppies. He would be afraid to face an adult dog, even with an axe. He might get a boo boo when he trips running away. But his bill is in line with a few others in NC in the last few years, including minting our own currency in gold and establishing a state religion. And of course our famous bill outlawing sea level rise.

Edit: I was checking on these fools and according to Wikipedia , Speciale and Pittman have also proposed a referendum on repealing part of the state constitution preventing North Carolina from seceding from the United States.

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There are no sharp tools in those sheds.

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just like their souls!

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No idea, but I might run a Google search.

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Can we rescue them?

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The fuck is wrong with people?

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Oh, I haven't. I pride myself on my excellent driving skills precisely because I am NOT from Maryland.

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He was KIDNAPPED and forced to participate in PEE HOOKER PARTIES!!

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These people. What is with them on this issue? They like to pretend they're "small government conservatives"; they do not see a conflict between their actions and their so-called "beliefs". Of course, it may just be a scam to get campaign $$. But they keep coming back to it.

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Are they aware that the bar code on the bottom of their bill specifically means it's got Satanic Cooties all over it as some whackadoodle fundie acquaintances have informed me.

Also people who joke about kicking puppies should be kicked in theirs. with votes AND feet.

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The "man has dominion over all creatures" type doesn't usually see an animal as anything but property.

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I've been hearing Texas is going to try similar tactics to get the Obergefell decision in front of the US Supreme Court again. I don't live there but I've wondered if my fiance and I are going to have to race to the courthouse so that we can gain rights sooner rather than later.

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White men are upset they can't call us faggots and get a chuckle from their friends and family.

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I've seen the way DC drivers handle their traffic circles and cut across traffic...

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