I live in Ohio 9. Believe me, I live this shit.


See that lime green stripe running across the top ... ? Unless the Fightin' Ninth is populated exclusively by pirates -- and (checking my shoulders for parrots) no it isn't -- there's no interconnectedness or community to it.

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I suspect the district packs high-melanin "urban" voters together, so that the GOP can dilute the remaining urbans out among the conservative rural yokels.

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Waterfront homes full of rich white Republicans?The 4th and the 11th look pretty sketchy, and the 1st is totally WTF; otherwise Ohio ain't all that bad.

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Seems likely. And this is where the subjectivity comes in: to me, it makes sense to have communities (say, the African-American community or the Vietnamese community) strongly represented in a few districts, rather than split up so that they don't have much of a voice in any district. There's a balance to be struck between giving communities some power in their district(s) and merely confining them to districts, and I can see how two people could legitimately have different opinions about a given map.

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Probably got some of those, although the wealthy properties taper off pretty quickly, say, within a half mile of the coast.

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Hence Nadler's "Jewish" district. Liberal Upper West Side jews lumped in with the orthodox Brooklyn Hassidim makes no sense, but that's what it is.

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My money is on giving the 0.1% their own voice in the House; the district is stretched inland just enough to have the necessary population. Legislation affecting the Great Lakes (and inheritance taxes) will be the big concerns.

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You'd be surprised. Prior to 2012, Toledo was Nancy Kaptur's territory as OH-9, and the west side of Cleveland and surrounding suburbs were Dennis Kucinich's territory. OH-9 now covers both of their territories. After the 2010 census Ohio lost a seat, so the Republicans eliminated Kucinich's district and then made him fight Kaptur for hers.

In 2012, Joe the Plumber was running for OH-9; he lost like 75%-25%, but there was a chance I'd go to sleep one night represented by Kucinich and wake up the next morning represented by Joe the Plumber.

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Example #23,977,471,911 of how Republicans are fascist, ratf*cking bastards.

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Gah... forgot that Cleveland is right there on the lake. (I've been there and know better.) Urban district, then, where the rich just have to live with being outvoted. Maybe more industrial sites than waterfront homes.

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Or, rather, you *thought* she was a friend. Ripping eyes from sockets sounds better all the time, as does a total scorched-earth policy towards Rapeublicunts and ammosexuals. Remember Maya Angelou: when someone shows you who he is, BELIEVE HIM THE FIRST TIME!!!!!!!!!

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And that Trump is just a symptom of what has been going on in the GOP for a while — win at all costs, no matter how much you have to cheat or lie or steal in order to do it. No matter what the voters want. Trump was only possible because of years of GOP action to concentrate power in the hands of the minority and weaken democracy.

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I blame Newt Gingrich in the 90s. He was the beginning of the GOP slide into outright cheating, lying, stealing, what have you in order to maintain power.

"But few figures in modern history have done more than Gingrich to lay the groundwork for Trump’s rise. During his two decades in Congress, he pioneered a style of partisan combat—replete with name-calling, conspiracy theories, and strategic obstructionism—that poisoned America’s political culture and plunged Washington into permanent dysfunction. Gingrich’s career can perhaps be best understood as a grand exercise in devolution—an effort to strip American politics of the civilizing traits it had developed over time and return it to its most primal essence." https://www.theatlantic.com...

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Well... we've had a good run. 243 years is nothing to sneeze at.

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There's no happier moment than seeing North Carolina in you rear view mirror.

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When tide turns, and it will, they'll be nothing sweeter than the tears of Republicans when this all comes around and rips off both cheeks of their ass.

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