Well, God expressed his opinion - Duke is out. That'll teach 'em. Not.

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One of you brings an empty gym bag and opens it on the floor. The other one of you stands in it. Voila, just one pair of shoes and a gym bag visible. So I've heard. (No, literally. I've never done anything remotely that interesting. And at my age I probably never will.)

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Speaking of flags, I found this on a local things-for-sale Facebook page. The description speaks volumes.

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Well shit! This minister unloads on his own.


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Transmen, is the correct term, yes.

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Conservatives at their best, as usual. Fuck'em.

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Indiana banned abortion if the fetus has Downs.

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I just wanted to make sure someone put up a picture of him. Thank you.

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You're supposed to have sex there, it's what he would have wanted.

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The bathroom issue is the bait to get the ignorant rednecks fired up to support the bill. The real bill is about preventing municipalities from raising the minimum wage unilaterally and removing anti-discrimination safeguards, which includes removing the right for people to use the courts to address those issues. That's how they play "the base," most of which scrapes a living off of minimum wage, like cheap fucking fiddle.

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North Caroline! Where law enforcement delight in ignoring the law, any law. True story outta NC - Man was arrested for failing to return a VHS tape of Freddy Got Fingered 14 years ago. Yep, an arrest warrant that was issued in 2002 was used to arrest the dude. Silly things like statutes of limitation don't have any meaning in the Great State of North Carolina!

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We get the likes of you around here sometimes and they all have something in common: they all seem quite obsessed with the intricacies of homosexuality. So, what's your reason: curious, doubtful, not-quite-sure? Which is it?

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Soooooo... If I am a transitioning to male, have a beard, deep voice etc., I am required to go to the little girls room?

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My apartment is wired with hidden cameras

Probably should have mentioned that earlier

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Can we all send the eat a bag of dicks to the legislature there?

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What a great state... reset/s

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