I want them to be in trouble. I want all their corruption and incompetence to be exposed to the world.

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It's hard to figure out sarcasm or seriousness in text!

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Me, too, depending on the opera.

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I tried not to laugh at ' Bye Scalia!' but I can't help myself.

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Actually, he was ripping on colonialism. He was one of the first writers to see natives as valid people, instead of colonial subjects. His takedowns of life in he Raj are wickedly on target. His works have sadly been ignored, although they could tell us a lot about ourselves and our colonial aspirations.

He called them as he saw them.. I went off Disney for 20 years after they butchered 'The Jungle Books.' And 'Mary Poppins', when I got my hands on the real thing, and 'Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang', which was depraved.

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I hadn't thought of that. I thought Republicans were just upset because the courts might revert to the English language and decide that 'corporate personhood' was bullshit. If the courts straighten out all the gerrymandered districts, the Republican party is in trouble. This is getting deep.

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you go to lots of places, not all mind you, where wingnuts are employed and interact with the public and one cant help but notice how inferior the communication is.

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Yeah, he was such an obscure character.

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Super easy actually. They refuse to draw the new gerrymanders with race data, but they sure as hell will use red/blue data to make sure they keep their red majority intact. It's one of their planning points. The co chair of the committee is on record saying outright they are keeping their partisan advantage and there's nothing illegal about it.

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You wish, as they say in the Shire.

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Only speak good of the dead.

He's dead.


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I think Bullwinkle looks more like a lobster than a moose...

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Wow, I have got to see two real live racist fuckheads today before their being struck with the 'BoLC' and before seeing them of 'Dear Shit for Brains'

Please feel free to impale your fundament on a large metal spike made of votes, you ignorant, racist POS and it is fondest hope that one day you get a woman drunk (or stupid) enough to have sex with you, it comes out a daughter and you live to have mixed race grandchildren.

Have a great day!

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'Because, it is mostly only Black people who complain about being left out, even if/even though they may not deserve the recognition. And so by having these Black-only awards, by not even nominating Whites they open themselves to charges of hypocrisy, thus lies.'

Does this quote from this idiot's comment history suggest that he/she is engaging in some form of meta troll commenting?

Have a great day!

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...my wife may have a slight issue with that. But I will leave that for the 2 of you to hash out

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