Around ... moving, new jobbing. Then the actual canine version of the big red dog passed away, which was hard.

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Yeah....no. Still carrying on my boycott of the whole state, what with the legislative fuckery of Democrats going on there.

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Thanks. Yeah 2016 can suck it. The Wonkette family has been helping keep me sane since the election.

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Too, true. This was buried and lost in all the nastiness of the potty patrol.

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For shame! He used someone's political position against them in a political battle of politics!! That's like following the rules or something. How dare he, that devious, underhanded not Republican play by the rules and still win.

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By a naked, muscular man in a JFK mask. Came-a-lot, indeed.

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Tolerance for minorities is now an "issue originated by the political left"? Silly me, I thought it was just human kindness. Okay, why not? Let my people pee!

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I'd like to see some kind of media report on just how much sweet business moniez NC lost through this bullshit. To discourage other states that might want to try. This is Merika, after all. #onlymoneymatters

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Also too because, as the Daily Fail said, "motive unclear."

This is a paper that shrieks "ISLAMIC SCARINESS" if a Muslim so much as sneezes...but shots fired at people as they prayed? "Motive unclear."

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The Iraq war alone was over $4 trillion dollars, which naturally was never paid for.

A few months ago I was wondering what Fox News would tell their idiot viewers, since even a moron would notice how good the economy was. The RWNJ started a new talking point about six months ago, which is "it's just a coincidence that the economy always sucks when we run it." Sure, and it's also a coincidence that the debt soars when Republicans run the government. It will be interesting to see if they actually start cutting SS and Medicare in an effort to cover their yooge tax cuts on the rich.

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Indiana's own Mike Pence was also forced to back down after his state lost a ton of money. He was also expected to lose his re-election bid, which is why he agreed to go with Donald Trump, who was widely expected to lose the general election.

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Why not, since they've already crippled the office. Though they are completely wrong, no doubt the federal courts will uphold them once OS is in office.

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Because Yours Truly just learned to read (that's my story, and I'm sticking to it), my bad. I was thinking about HB 2, the bill he DID sign into law.


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Just call them all traitors and use the state police and NC national guard to haul the tumbrels.

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UNC G, class of 2000. NC has really gone down the toilet since my mom's generation started leaving us

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I'm not far from NC, so I could drive up to help.

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