They're always just so damn ugly, too. It's like the hate has not only corroded their insides but is manifesting on the outside too. I guess when you have nothing else whatsoever to feel good about yourself, you just go with the color of your skin. Like it's anything!! That's what I can't figure out--how could anyone think that the amount of melanin in your skin and how far your ancestors lived from the equator has any more to do with your worth than the size of your pancreas?

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Our Texas family reunions weren't like that, but they were no less embarrassing or annoying to attend.

Bring together a bunch of Scots-Irish and Cajuns, thrown in the Italians, Mexican and Jews brought into the family by marriage, and you're going to have a lot of fricking yelling, from start to finish. It's all they do. Yell. About everything.

And if you get enough beer and whiskey flowing, then the fight is really on.

For me, every family reunion was about finding the one place where nobody could disturb me, and getting to it as soon after the meal as possible.

That and making sure I had enough cotton to stuff in my ears.

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Shouldn't this be enough ID?

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"Old times there are not forgotten" - Dixie

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I know I'm going to regret it, but WTAF is that thing?

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As a resident of NC's neighbor to the North, I know how maddening it must be to live in the research triangle/Charlotte part of the state and to be surrounded by Alabama.

I would vote early and often if I could to help y'all get rid of Mccrory. (No one should be directly responsible for costing your state 100 million dollars in income and keep your job)

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Last poll I saw had Art Pope's favorite muppet, Gov. McCrory, down by 9 points.

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I do love it when white supremacists are so obviously self-refuting.

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To be scrupulously fair, gop poisoned the media well with "chicago" this and "dead people voting" that and "acorn" the other, but still, absolutely correct

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My dad's family has been in SE NC for something like 300 years, and I spent several years there growing up. We always considered ourselves far superior to our southern neighbors.

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Yah, the sight of that crew SURE makes me wanna sign up and start buyin' me some sheets...

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South Carolina has one of those dumbass "ID needed" voting laws, so we've organized a seminar this month at work to let people know all the requirements and stuff ahead of time. NICE TRY, CHEATERS; WE'RE KEEPING PEOPLE INFORMED.

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So now he's at negative nine?

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Our state is still gerrymandered to the level of third world warlord absurdity, so our legislature will still look like a Klan rally, but at least we can get rid of a few on the top.

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Thanks for coming.

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How can you tell whether the polling booth is male or female? I'm really intrigued...

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